**Users of these data must acknowledge the original source of these data and follow any data usage/acknowledgement policies that may exist.*** ***Please refer any data usage policies included along with these data. Users should refer to the sites providing the original source of these data for additional information.*** This file contains the download dates for the various network data files and the source of those data. Note that these data files are only updated periodically, and therefore there is no guarantee made that the data in these files are the most up-to-date data available for a particular network. While efforts are made to keep these files as up-to-date as possible, it is possible that updates made to the original source data have not been translated to these files yet. Provided in this file are the dates of last creation for each network data file for each year. This file was last updated by K. Wyat Appel (appel.wyat@epa.gov), May 5, 2022 ######################################################################### Important update for CSN and AQS Daily EC/OC data (10/28/2021): There are three OC values from CSN that we need to be considered. Specifically, these are 88305, 88370, and 88320. A quick description of each OC value: 88305 / 88307 OC / EC under the old CSN (TOT) protocol 88370 / 88380 OC / EC under the new CSN (TOR) protocol 88320 / 88321 OC / EC under the IMPROVE (TOR) protocol Note that neither the 88305 or 88370 values are corrected for artifacts, while the 88320 value is corrected for artifacts. From these three values, the 88320 is the preferred value, as it uses both the TOR IMPROVE protocol and is corrected for artifacts. Next best is 88370, as it also uses the TOR protocol but is not corrected for artifacts. The least preferred is 88305, as it uses the old TOT protocol and is not corrected for artifacts. From 2016 and beyond, 88320 is reported for all CSN sites (at least, it should be). Before 2016, there is a mix of 88320 and 88370. And before roughly 2007, 88305 is the primary OC value available. As such, it is necessary to use a mix of three values. Fortunately, there are artifact correction methods available for the 88305 and 88370 to make them more comparable across time. For 88305, Joann Rice from EPA recommended this presentation, https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-10/documents/statistical_relationship.pdf, where it is described how to convert the New CSN values (TOR; 88370) to Old CSN values (TOT; 88305) using this formula: OC (Old) = 1.57432 + 1.15101*(NEW_CSN) As the TOT method is preferred to the TOR method, this formula was inverted to correct the 88305 TOT OC values to 88370 TOR OC values. Joann Rice also mentioned that previously the artifact correction from 88370 values was 0.4, but a smaller value of 0.14 is now preferred. So, a value of -0.14 ug/m3 is subtracted from all the 88370 values to correct for artifacts. This does not solve the issue that many sites report different OC values based on the year, and some can report multiple OC values using the different OC codes. To deal with this situation the 88320 value, if available, is the preferred OC value for a site. If 88320 is not available, the missing values are filled with 88370 (corrected), again, if available. Finally, any remaining missing values are filled with 88305 (corrected) if available. This should give the most complete OC record for CSN sites for any period. The result of implemented this approach is much better consistency in the OC values over time. The previous approach to providing OC was a hodge-podge mix of 88305, 88370, and 88320 with different correction methods. ***Starting with AMETv1.5 and all future versions of AMET, only the CSN observation files labeled AQS_CSN_data_XXXX.csv are used for CSN data. The other CSN data files are provided for legacy AMET versions, but are no longer updated as of October 2021. The AMETv1.5 code will only point to the files labeled AQS_CSN_data_XXXX.csv regardless of the year, and the AQ_species_list.input file has also been updated to use only the species in the AQS_CSN_data_XXXX.csv file. ######################################################################### ######################################################################### Important update for AQS daily data (04/02/2022): The name of the PM10 species in the AQS daily file has changed. Previously the PM10 species in the AQS daily file was labeled as PM10. To improve transparency of the underlying data used to create the AMET ready data file, the PM10 species is not called PM10_81102, to indicate the EPA species name from which it is sourced. The AMET species input file (AQ_species_list.input) has been updated in AMETv1.5 to use the PM10_81102 species name. Older versions of AMET have an AQ_species_list.input with simply PM10, and therefore would need to be updated with the new species name. Conversely, one could also change the species name in the AQS_Daily file from PM10_81102 to PM10 to provide compatibility with the older species input file. ######################################################################### ######################################################################### Important update for NADP data (04/02/2022): The NADP NTN data provided for use with AMET have been updated. Previously, NTN data obtained directly from NADP only reported the day, month, and year during which a observation was collected. No time (i.e hour) was reported. Based on information provided previously by NADP, it was assumed that the time each observation started and ended was 9am local standard time. Recently, the NADP NTN data provided through the NADP website began reporting the hour during which the sample started and ended. As such, the NADP NTN data provided here have been updated to include the start and end hour of every observation, and therefore it is no longer necessary to assume a 9am start and end to each observation. The site compare program that processes the NADP NTN data will use the provided start and end our compare with the CMAQ data. This updated improves the accuracy of the comparison between NADP NTN observations and CMAQ data by assuring the correct CMAQ start and end hours are used to compare to the observations. However, this change is expected to have only a minor impact overall on the actual model values, especially when aggregating over long temporal periods and a large number of sites. ######################################################################### ######################################################################### Important update for NOAA ESRL O3 data (10/28/2021): The previous provided NOAA ESLR data for 2015 - 2018 data was erroneous for the following stations: * "PCO", * "SMO", * "SPO", * "SUM", * "TBL_BOS", * "THD", * "TIK", * "TUN", * "WKT", * "WVR"/ The reason is that the processing code had commented out NWR because of 2014 NOAA ESRL hourly file inconsistencies, but this led to a mismatch between the site file that was used to define the array "stid" which was used in the processed output file and the arrays path_stid and abbr_stid* that were used to read in and store the data. Consequently, the following stations were mislabeled in the data outputs for 2015 - 2018 (the 2014 files generated by that code were not used for AMET): Stid in file correct stid NWR PCO (affects 2015) PCO SMO (affects 2015) SMO SPO (affects 2015 - 2018) SPO SUM (affects 2015 - 2018) SUM TBL_BOS (affects 2016) TBL_BOS THD (does not affect any files) THD TIK (affects 2015 - 2018) TIK TUN (affects 2016 - 2018) TUN WKT (does not affect any files) WKT WVR (affects 2015 - 2017) WVR [not present in any 2015 - 2018 file because numstat was 17 in the code] In addition, this not only affected the labeling, but also the time zone shifting for these stations because array "itz" in the code was obtained from the 18-site file NOAA_ESRL_sites.txt The publicly released files for 2000 - 2014 were based on processing the *soz combined ozone files and were never updated with the code processing the hourly data files. The only years processed from hourly data (affected by the 6/17/2019 processing error) that were publicly released are 2015 - 2017. The error has been corrected and all NOAA ESRL files provided for all years are correct. ######################################################################### ########################################################################### AMET Observation files creation/last update dates and data source locations ########################################################################### NADP/NTN (https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/networks/national-trends-network/) *observation start and end times in local standard time have been added to the NTN data files 2000 - 04/02/2022 2001 - 04/02/2022 2002 - 04/02/2022 2003 - 04/02/2022 2004 - 04/02/2022 2005 - 04/02/2022 2006 - 04/02/2022 2007 - 04/02/2022 2008 - 04/02/2022 2009 - 04/02/2022 2010 - 04/02/2022 2011 - 04/02/2022 2012 - 04/02/2022 2013 - 04/02/2022 2014 - 04/02/2022 2015 - 04/02/2022 2016 - 04/02/2022 2017 - 04/02/2022 2018 - 04/02/2022 2019 - 04/02/2022 2020 - 04/02/2022 NADP/AMON (https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/networks/ammonia-monitoring-network/) All Years - 09/22/2020 NADP/MDN (https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/networks/mercury-deposition-network/) All Years - 01/24/2018 IMPROVE (http://views.cira.colostate.edu/fed/DataWizard/Default.aspx) 2000 - 12/05/2007 2001 - 12/05/2007 2002 - 12/05/2007 2003 - 01/13/2009 2004 - 01/13/2009 2005 - 01/13/2009 2006 - 05/08/2008 2007 - 07/13/2012 2008 - 05/12/2010 2009 - 03/24/2011 2010 - 01/02/2013 2011 - 02/19/2016 2012 - 02/19/2016 2013 - 01/24/2018 2014 - 01/24/2018 2015 - 01/24/2018 2016 - 11/13/2018 2017 - 03/01/2019 2018 - 12/23/2019 2019 - 05/05/2022 2020 - 05/05/2022 CSN (https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html) Obtained from the EPA's AQS Database (pregenerated files) 2000 - 10/08/2021 2001 - 10/08/2021 2002 - 10/08/2021 2003 - 10/08/2021 2004 - 10/08/2021 2005 - 10/08/2021 2006 - 10/08/2021 2007 - 10/08/2021 2008 - 10/08/2021 2009 - 10/08/2021 2010 - 10/08/2021 2011 - 10/08/2021 2012 - 10/08/2021 2016 - 10/08/2021 2017 - 10/08/2021 2018 - 10/08/2021 2019 - 04/30/2022 2020 - 04/30/2022 CSN from VIEWS (http://views.cira.colostate.edu/fed/DataWizard/Default.aspx) 2011 - 01/24/2018 2012 - 01/24/2018 2013 - 01/24/2018 2014 - 01/24/2018 2015 - 01/24/2018 2016 - 01/23/2018 2017 - 07/18/2018 2018 - N/A 2019 - N/A 2020 - N/A CASTNET Hourly (http://www.epa.gov/castnet) 2000 - 08/05/2011 2001 - 12/20/2007 2002 - 12/20/2007 2003 - 12/20/2007 2004 - 12/20/2007 2005 - 12/20/2007 2006 - 08/27/2008 2007 - 09/08/2009 2008 - 05/15/2013 2009 - 05/19/2011 2010 - 05/08/2012 2011 - 05/08/2012 2012 - 10/24/2013 2013 - 11/17/2014 2014 - 06/04/2015 2015 - 05/25/2017 2016 - 11/13/2018 2017 - 08/01/2019 2018 - 05/05/2020 2019 - 09/23/2020 2020 - 05/11/2021 CASTNET Weekly (http://www.epa.gov/castnet) 2000 - 02/22/2016 2001 - 02/22/2016 2002 - 02/22/2016 2003 - 02/22/2016 2004 - 02/22/2016 2005 - 02/22/2016 2006 - 02/22/2016 2007 - 02/22/2016 2008 - 02/22/2016 2009 - 02/22/2016 2010 - 02/22/2016 2011 - 02/22/2016 2012 - 02/22/2016 2013 - 02/22/2016 2014 - 02/22/2016 2015 - 02/01/2017 2016 - 09/07/2017 2017 - 07/18/2018 2018 - 12/23/2019 2019 - 09/23/2020 2020 - 05/11/2021 AQS Hourly (https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html) 2000 - 01/24/2018 2001 - 01/24/2018 2002 - 01/24/2018 2003 - 01/24/2018 2004 - 01/24/2018 2005 - 01/24/2018 2006 - 01/24/2018 2007 - 01/24/2018 2008 - 01/24/2018 2009 - 01/24/2018 2010 - 01/24/2018 2011 - 01/24/2018 2012 - 01/24/2018 2013 - 01/24/2018 2014 - 01/24/2018 2015 - 01/24/2018 2016 - 09/10/2018 2017 - 03/01/2019 2018 - 08/27/2019 2019 - 04/29/2022 2020 - 05/05/2022 AQS Daily (https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html) 2000 - 10/08/2021 2001 - 10/08/2021 2002 - 10/08/2021 2003 - 10/08/2021 2004 - 10/08/2021 2005 - 10/08/2021 2006 - 10/08/2021 2007 - 10/08/2021 2008 - 10/08/2021 2009 - 10/08/2021 2010 - 10/08/2021 2011 - 10/08/2021 2012 - 10/08/2021 2013 - 10/08/2021 2014 - 10/08/2021 2015 - 10/08/2021 2016 - 10/08/2021 2017 - 10/08/2021 2018 - 10/08/2021 2019 - 04/29/2022 2020 - 05/05/2022 SEARCH Hourly (http://www.atmospheric-research.com/public/index.html) *no longer available *The SEARCH network was disbanded in 2016 2000 - 12/10/2010 2001 - 12/10/2010 2002 - 12/10/2010 2003 - 12/16/2015 2004 - 12/16/2015 2005 - 11/23/2015 2006 - 11/23/2015 2007 - 11/23/2015 2008 - 11/23/2015 2009 - 11/23/2015 2010 - 12/01/2015 2011 - 12/01/2015 2012 - 12/01/2015 2013 - 02/23/2016 2014 - 03/08/2018 2015 - 03/08/2018 2016 - 03/08/2018 2017 - NA; Network disbanded SEARCH Daily (http://www.atmospheric-research.com/public/index.html) *no longer available *The SEARCH network was disbanded in 2016 2000 - NA 2001 - NA 2002 - NA 2003 - NA 2004 - NA 2005 - 02/11/2010 2006 - 05/21/2008 2007 - 05/17/2011 2008 - 10/08/2014 2009 - 10/08/2014 2010 - 10/08/2014 2011 - 02/10/2016 2012 - 02/10/2016 2013 - 02/10/2016 2014 - 03/05/2018 2015 - 03/05/2018 2016 - 02/20/2019 2017 - NA; Network disbanded AERONET Hourly (http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/new_web/data.html) 2000 - 04/04/2016 2001 - 04/04/2016 2002 - 04/04/2016 2003 - 04/04/2016 2004 - 04/04/2016 2005 - 04/04/2016 2006 - 04/04/2016 2007 - 04/04/2016 2008 - 04/04/2016 2009 - 04/04/2016 2010 - 04/04/2016 2011 - 04/04/2016 2012 - 04/04/2016 2013 - 04/04/2016 2014 - 04/04/2016 2015 - 01/31/2017 2016 - 03/29/2021 2017 - 03/29/2021 2018 - 03/29/2021 2019 - 03/29/2021 2020 - N/A NAPS (https://data.ec.gc.ca/data/air/monitor/national-air-pollution-surveillance-naps-program/) 2000 - 05/15/2012 2001 - 05/15/2012 2002 - 05/15/2012 2003 - 05/15/2012 2004 - 05/15/2012 2005 - 05/15/2012 2006 - 05/15/2012 2007 - 05/15/2012 2008 - 05/15/2012 2009 - 05/15/2012 2010 - 05/15/2012 2011 - 01/30/2018 2012 - 01/30/2018 2013 - 01/30/2018 2014 - 01/30/2018 2015 - 01/30/2018 2016 - 10/30/2018 2017 - 01/28/2020 2018 - 04/02/2022 2019 - 04/02/2022 2020 - N/A FLUXNET (http://ameriflux.lbl.gov/) 2000 - 06/10/2016 2001 - 06/10/2016 2002 - 06/10/2016 2003 - 06/10/2016 2004 - 06/10/2016 2005 - 06/10/2016 2006 - 06/10/2016 2007 - 06/10/2016 2008 - 06/10/2016 2009 - 06/10/2016 2010 - 06/10/2016 2011 - 06/10/2016 2012 - 06/10/2016 2013 - 06/10/2016 2014 - 06/10/2016 2015 - 06/10/2016 2016 - NA 2017 - NA 2018 - NA 2019 - NA 2020 - NA NOAA ESRL surface ozone (https://gml.noaa.gov/ozwv/surfoz/) 2000 - 06/26/2019 2001 - 06/26/2019 2002 - 06/26/2019 2003 - 06/26/2019 2004 - 06/26/2019 2005 - 06/26/2019 2006 - 06/26/2019 2007 - 06/26/2019 2008 - 06/26/2019 2009 - 06/26/2019 2010 - 06/26/2019 2011 - 06/26/2019 2012 - 06/26/2019 2013 - 06/26/2019 2014 - 06/26/2019 2015 - 10/26/2021 2016 - 10/26/2021 2017 - 10/26/2021 2018 - 10/26/2021 2019 - 10/26/2021 2020 - 10/26/2021