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Development Guide for Kroxylicious

This document gives a detailed breakdown of the various build processes and options for building the Kroxylicious from source.

Build status

Quality Gate Status Coverage

Build Prerequisites

⚠️ If you are using Podman please see these notes below


JDK version 21 or newer, and Apache Maven® are required for building this project.

Kroxylicious targets language level 17, except for the integrationtests module which targets 21 to access some new language features.

Build the project like this:

mvn clean verify

The running of the tests can be controlled with the following Maven properties:

property description
-DskipUTs=true skip unit tests
-DskipITs=true skip integration tests
-DskipSTs=true skip system tests
-DskipTests=true skip all tests
-Pdebug enables logging so you can see what the Kafka clients, Proxy and in VM brokers are up to.

The kafka environment used by the integrations tests can be defaulted with these two environment variables.

env var default description
TEST_CLUSTER_EXECUTION_MODE IN_VM IN_VM or CONTAINER. if IN_VM, kafka will be run same virtual machines as the integration test. Otherwise containers will be used.
TEST_CLUSTER_KRAFT_MODE true if true, kafka will be run in kraft mode.

When the integration-tests are run in CONTAINER mode, the kafka/zookeeper logs are written to a location specified by the container.logs.dir system property. When run through Maven this is defaulted to integrationtests/target/container-logs.

Pass the -Dquick option to skip all tests and non-essential plug-ins and create the output artifact as quickly as possible:

mvn clean package -Dquick

Run the following command to format the source code and organize the imports as per the project's conventions:

mvn process-sources

Build with the dist profile to create distribution artefacts (see kroxylicious-app). The distribution includes the Kroxylicious-maintained Filter implementations (located under kroxylicious-additional-filters).

mvn clean package -Pdist -Dquick

It is possible to omit the Kroxylicious-maintained Filter implementations by disabling the withAdditionalFilters profile.

mvn clean package -Pdist -Dquick -P-withAdditionalFilters

Run the following to add missing license headers e.g. when adding new source files:

mvn org.commonjava.maven.plugins:directory-maven-plugin:highest-basedir@resolve-rootdir license:format

Formatting the Code

No one likes to argue about code formatting in pull requests, as project we take the stance that if we can't automate the formatting we are not going to argue about it either. Having said that we don't want a mishmash of conflicting styles! So we attack this from multiple angles.

  1. Shared Code formatter settings. Included in the repo are code formatter settings for Eclipse, InjtellJ and .editorconfig.
  2. The Continuous Integration (CI) job building Pull Requests will fail if there is formatting which doesn't pass our agreed conventions
  3. We apply Checkstyle validation to the project as well. You can find our agreed ruleset in the etc folder. We bind checkstyle to the verify phase of the build so mvn clean verify will validate the code is acceptable.
  4. We also employ impsort-maven-plugin to keep import order consistent which will re-order imports as part of the maven build.
  5. We also have formatter-maven-plugin which will apply the project code style rules, this is driven from the Eclipse code formatter, as part of the maven build cycle.

Logging Conventions

We want to be careful with logging large amounts of data, for example stack traces, because we are potentially operating rapidly on many messages. Or Filters may be working at a per-record level, we could generate a huge amount of log data. But we often do not want to completely silence errors as it renders them invisible to the user.

Our convention is to use the slf4j fluent API to log once at a coarse level like WARN, but to only include cause Exceptions if the log level is set to a finer granularity:

  .setCause(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ? failureCause : null) #only log the full stacktrace at debug
  .log("Something bad happened with failure message {}. Increase log level to DEBUG for stacktrace", failureCause.getMessage());


Build with the dist profile as shown above, then execute this:

kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ --config ${path_to_kroxylicious_config}

Or, to run with your own class path, run this instead:

KROXYLICIOUS_CLASSPATH="${additional_classpath_entries}" kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ --config ${path_to_kroxylicious_config}

for example:

KROXYLICIOUS_CLASSPATH="/path/to/any.jar:/path/to/libs/dir/*" kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ --config kroxylicious-app/example-proxy-config.yaml


Build with the dist profile as shown above.

To start in debug mode, listening on port 5005:

JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG=true kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ -c kroxylicious-app/example-proxy-config.yaml

To suspend until debugger attaches:

JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG=true JAVA_DEBUG_SUSPEND=true  kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ -c kroxylicious-app/example-proxy-config.yaml

To change the debug port

JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG=true JAVA_DEBUG_PORT=1234  kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ -c kroxylicious-app/example-proxy-config.yaml

To change the root logger level

KROXYLICIOUS_ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/bin/ -c kroxylicious-app/example-proxy-config.yaml

To customise the log4j2 config file edit:

vim kroxylicious-app/target/kroxylicious-app-*-bin/kroxylicious-app-*/config/log4j2.yaml

Low level network and frame logging is turned off by default for better performance. In case you want to debug, logging should be turned on in the example-proxy-config.yaml file:

  logNetwork: true
  logFrames: true

Building and pushing a Kroxylicious Container Image

There is a script to build a Kroxylicious Container Image and push it to a container registry of your choice.

PUSH_IMAGE=y$your_quay_org$/kroxylicious ./scripts/

IDE setup


The project requires JDK-21 to build and run the integrationtests module and the IDEA project is configured to build against an SDK named temurin-21. A suggested way to install this is with sdkman using sdk install java 21-tem.

Run mvn clean install -DskipTests to install the project into your local maven repository (in ~/.m2). This is necessary because IDEA fails to synchronise the project if the kroxylicious maven plugin isn't available to maven.

Open the root pom.xml as a project.

Then navigate to File > Project Structure > Project Settings and update SDK to point at your install JDK 21 (it should be populated as a suggestion if you used sdkman to install it).

In the IDEA Maven dialogue click on Generate Sources and Update Folders For All Projects.

Build the entire project by running Build > Build Project and then check that you can run io.kroxylicious.proxy.FilterIT

If you encounter any further issues with generated sources, you can try running mvn clean install -DskipTests again or running Generate Sources and Update Folders for the specific module that is having problems.

Setting Up in Windows Using WSL

While Kroxylicious is a java application we've had reports of issues running the build natively on Windows and thus suggest using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for development.

Installing WSL

  1. Enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature: To enable WSL, you need to enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature in the Windows Features dialog.
  2. Install a Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store. The rest of these instructions assume a distribution (such as Ubuntu) which uses apt for package management, but the process should be similar for distributions using other package managers/ such as Fedora/dnf.
  3. Launch the Linux distribution and Configure the Linux environment: After launching the Linux distribution, you can configure the environment by creating a user account and setting the password. With these steps, you should now have WSL installed and configured on your Windows system. For further assistance please see the Microsoft documentation

Ensure appropriate tooling available

  1. Open the WSL window.
  2. Update the packages using
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    1. Check the Java version by typing
    java --version
    Expect output similar to:
    > java --version
    openjdk 19.0.2 2023-01-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-19.0.2+7 (build 19.0.2+7)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-19.0.2+7 (build 19.0.2+7, mixed mode, sharing)
    1. Update if needed: sample update command like:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install openjdk-18-jre-headless
  3. Ensure GIT is available
    1. git --version
      Expect a version string similar to git version 2.37.1 (Apple Git-137.1)
    2. Follow the WSL-git tutorial if needed.
  4. Checkout Kroxylicious to ${kroxylicious-checkout}
  5. Build & develop following the standard build instructions

Running Integration Tests on Podman

DOCKER_HOST environment variable

On Linux, it may be necessary to configure the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to allow the tests to correctly use test containers.

DOCKER_HOST=unix://$(podman info --format '{{.Host.RemoteSocket.Path}}')

Podman/Testcontainers incompatibility

There is an incompatibility between HTTP connection timeout expectations of testcontainers-java and the Podman API. This can result in sporadic test failures when running the Integration Tests under Podman. It manifests as failed or hanging REST API calls that leads to test failures and test hangs.

It affects Linux and macOS. On Linux it manifests as Http calls failing with a Broken Pipe exception. Similarly on macOS we see a localhost:XXX failed to respond.

To workaround around the issue, tune the service_timeout so that the timeout is in sympathy with the expectations of the underlying HttpClient defaults.

Do so by following these instructions.


Start the podman machine as normal, then:

echo 'mkdir -p /etc/containers/containers.conf.d && printf "[engine]\nservice_timeout=91\n" > /etc/containers/containers.conf.d/service-timeout.conf' && systemctl restart podman.socket |  podman machine ssh --username root --


As a privileged user:

mkdir -p /etc/containers/containers.conf.d && printf "[engine]\nservice_timeout=91\n" > /etc/containers/containers.conf.d/service-timeout.conf && systemctl restart podman.socket

Verify that the fix is effective

On Linux, start this command:

socat - UNIX-CONNECT:$(podman info --format '{{.Host.RemoteSocket.Path}}')

On macOS, start this command:

time socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock

the send this input (including the empty line):

GET /version HTTP/1.1

You'll see an API response. If the service_timeout change is effective, the socat will continue for 3 minutes. If socat terminates after about 10 seconds, the workaround has been applied ineffectively.

Running system tests locally


  • minikube (install guide)
  • helm (install guide)
  • User must have access to a container registry such as or Create a public accessible repository within the registry named kroxylicious.
  • [OPTIONAL] aws cli (install guide): in case an AWS Cloud account is used for KMS.

Environment variables

  • KROXYLICIOUS_IMAGE_REPO: url to the image of kroxylicious to be used. Default value:
  • KROXYLICIOUS_VERSION: version of kroxylicious to be used. Default value: ${project.version} in pom file
  • KAFKA_VERSION: kafka version to be used. Default value: ${kafka.version} in pom file
  • STRIMZI_VERSION: strimzi version to be used. Default value: ${strimzi.version} in pom file
  • SKIP_TEARDOWN: variable for development purposes to avoid keep deploying and deleting deployments each run. Default value: false
  • CONTAINER_CONFIG_PATH: directory where config.json file is located. This file contains the pull secrets to be used by the container engine. Default value: $HOME/.docker/config.json
  • VAULT_CHART_VERSION: version of Vault Helm Chart to be used by the System Tests for Record Encryption. Default value: 0.27.0
  • SKIP_STRIMZI_INSTALL: skip strimzi installation. Default value: false
  • KAFKA_CLIENT: client used to produce/consume messages. Default value: strimzi_test_client. Currently supported values: strimzi_test_client, kaf, kcat
  • AWS_USE_CLOUD: set to true in case AWS Cloud is used for Record Encryption System Tests. LocalStack will be used by default. Default value: false
  • AWS_REGION: region of the AWS Cloud account to be used for KMS management. Default value: us-east-2
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: key id of the aws account with admin permissions to be used for KMS management. Mandatory when AWS_USE_CLOUD is true. Default value: test
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret access key of the aws account with admin permissions to be used for KMS management. Mandatory when AWS_USE_CLOUD is true. Default value: test
  • AWS_KROXYLICIOUS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: key id of the aws account to be used for Kroxylicious config Map to encrypt/decrypt the messages. Mandatory when AWS_USE_CLOUD is true. Default value: test
  • AWS_KROXYLICIOUS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret access key of the aws account to be used for Kroxylicious config Map to encrypt/decrypt the messages. Mandatory when AWS_USE_CLOUD is true. Default value: test
  • AWS_LOCALSTACK_CHART_VERSION: version of the Localstack Helm chart to be used by the System Tests for Record Encryption. Default value: 0.6.15

Launch system tests

First of all, the code must be compiled and the distribution artifacts created:

mvn clean install -Dquick -Pdist

If the tests are going to be run against local changes, use the describe above to create a test image.

Start minikube:

minikube start

Then, you can run them from system test or root folder:

KROXYLICIOUS_IMAGE_REPO=<container_registry>/<myorg>/kroxylicious mvn clean integration-test -DskipSTs=false
  • Run them from root folder of kroxylicious project:
KROXYLICIOUS_IMAGE_REPO=<container_registry>/<myorg>/kroxylicious mvn clean verify -DskiptITs=true -DskiptUTs=true -DskipSTs=false

Jenkins pipeline for system tests

When a PR is created and the system tests are needed, if you are a member of Developers, you may add the following comment into the PR to trigger the run.

@strimzi-ci run system tests

It will launch the kroxylicious-system-tests-pr build, that will insert a comment with a summary into the PR.

Rendering documentation

For information on updating and rendering the documentation, see the docs directory README.

Producing an Asciinema Cast

There are some helper scripts that can reduce the manual work when producing an asciinema terminal cast. There are a couple of scripts/programs that are used in consort.

  • extracts fenced code blocks from a Markdown document. The list of commands is sent to stdout. The script also understands a non-standard extension to the fenced code-block declaration: prompt assignments are treated as a comment that will proceed the command specified by fenced code-block. This can be used to provide narration.
       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
       ```shell { prompt="let's install the starnet client" }
          dnf install starnet-client
  • takes a list of commands and executes each one. It uses expect(1) to simulate a human typing the commands. It is designed to executed within the asciinema session.
  • asciinema-edit used to quantise the periods of inactivity

The whole process looks like this:

# Extract the commands and narration
./scripts/ < kubernetes-examples/envelope-encryption/ > /tmp/cmds
asciinema rec --overwrite --command './scripts/ /tmp/cmds .' demo.cast
# Uses quantize to reduce lengthy periods of inactivity resulting from awaits for resource to come ready etc.
asciinema-edit quantize --range 5 demo.cast > demo_processed.cast
asciinema upload demo_processed.cast

Continuous Integration

We use Github actions for our build and release workflows. See .github/ for information about working with the actions.

Using the GitHub CI workflows against a fork

All CI workflows defined by the project are expected to execute within the context of a fork, apart from docker workflow. To enable the docker workflow, you need to configure three repository variables and one repository secret.

  • REGISTRY_SERVER variable - the server of the container registry service e.g. or

  • REGISTRY_USERNAME variable - your username on the service (or username of your robot account)

  • REGISTRY_DESTINATION variable - the push destination (without tag portion) e.g.<my org>/kroxylicious

  • REGISTRY_TOKEN secret - the access token that corresponds to REGISTRY_USERNAME

The workflow will push the container image to ${REGISTRY_DESTINATION} so ensure that the ${REGISTRY_USERNAME} user has sufficient write privileges.

DCO Signoff

The project requires that all commits are signed-off, indicating that you certify the changes with the developer certificate of origin (DCO) ( This can be done using git commit -s for each commit in your pull request. Alternatively, to signoff a bunch of commits you can use git rebase --signoff _your-branch_.

Deprecation Policy

We want to let users know about upcoming changes to APIs and give them sufficient time to adapt. The following policy describes how we'll do that. It will apply until the project reaches its 1.0 release.

When there is an API deprecation, it must be announced in the CHANGELOG of the coming release under a section title "Changes, deprecations and removals".

Deprecated features become eligible for removal in the third minor release made following the release with the deprecation announcement. There is an additional condition that at least three months must have elapsed too. When a deprecated feature is removed in a release, the removal should be documented under "Changes, deprecations and removals" in the changelog.

Where technically possible, the production code should emit a warning if it detects the use of deprecated feature. This will serve to prompt the user to migrate to the new API.