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Stephen Griffies edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 9 revisions

About MOM6

MOM6 is the latest generation of the Modular Ocean Model which is a numerical model code for simulating the ocean general circulation. MOM6 represents a major algorithmic departure from the previous generations of MOM (up to and including MOM5). Most notably, it uses the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) algorithm in the vertical direction to allow the use of any vertical coordinate system including, geo-potential coordinates (z or z*), isopycnal coordinates, terrain-following coordinates and hybrid-/user-defined coordinates. It is also based on the horizontal C-grid stencil, rather than the B-grid used by earlier MOM versions.

MOM6 is still under development BUT we are adopting an "open development" approach so that collaborators (you) can see what we are up to, try things out and help out by contributing, giving us feedback, and reporting bugs.

About the MOM6-examples and MOM6 repositories on GitHub

We have been version controlling complete working examples (all the inputs including parameters and data) in conjunction with the source code in the pursuit of truly reproducible science. At inception we kept all the inputs and source code under one repository (MOM6) but the repository soon grew to an unmanageable size. The MOM6-examples repository is, as the name suggests, where we keep the examples (inputs) and which also has "links" to specific versions of the source code repositories (MOM6, FMS, SIS2, ...). Consider MOM6-examples to be the top-level repository even though it has no actual source code. To get a better understanding of the repository layout see Understanding the repository layout on the How to contribute page.