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Releases: MovingBlocks/Terasology

v2.1.0 - Alpha 11

25 Oct 03:02
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First stable release since our major v2.0.0 release, which unsurprisingly wasn't the most stable thing ever. This release is totally guaranteed to be at least 10% more stable than Alpha 10!

470 commits of changes not counting modules. Includes the remainder of GSOC 2018 changes and the very beginning of GCI 2018

  • Release Milestone
  • Changelist in Jenkins
  • Distribution lineup changes
    • Miniion module retired fully at long last. Check out Master of Oreon for a working creature manager!
    • New: GooeyDefence, GooKeeper, Kallisti, KComputers, FlexiblePathfinding, Climbables, FlowingLiquids
    • Advanced server facade now bundled in the Omega zip (neato addon to the headless server)

Alpha 11 release candidate (RC) 1

06 Oct 03:32
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This is the initial candidate build for our 7th birthday celebration this weekend and hopefully will also become our Alpha 11 release.

v2.0.0 - Alpha 10

11 Jun 05:31
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Our second major release ever! 573 commits of goodness, not counting what's been done in modules. Includes some initial work from GSOC 2018.

This was a breaking release for the module ecosystem, but only 3 or so remain unfixed as of this release and should be functional again soon, with other bug fixes planned as well. The Miniion module is being retired after this release as MasterOfOreon is now no longer dependent on it.

More details to come ...

v1.6.0 - Alpha 9

05 Feb 05:31
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Likely final release for the engine v1 series!

Perhaps interesting is the more respectful size of this release compared to the prior (200ish commits vs 600ish for Alpha 8) despite still being a fairly lengthy and super active period of time. Google Code-In was a large driver of activity but focused more on modules than the engine. This is in line with more and more overall project activity going into module land and elsewhere instead of the maturing engine, leading to more content rather than more architecture.

However, actually summarizing module changes that go along with a game release (Alpha 9 contains engine v1.6.0 but so much more in module land) remains tricky. A time-range commit search limited to the Terasology GitHub Org failed to return actual commits, but seemed to indicate 50 module repos had received changes. Any search wizards able to get that working are welcome to try, but even commits in a time range won't show what's actually new in a future where we have full release management enabled for modules :-)

Engine Highlights

  • Fix for #2590 - our most notorious multiplayer crash bug at present!
  • Loads of javadoc improvements, code quality fixes, translations, and minor improvements from GCI students (who also did tons of module work)
  • Asset overrides/delta updates for UI screens and skins - #3238
  • Support for moar explosions ! #3195 (to allow for stuff like explosive rail carts)
  • Crouching has been somewhat neutered temporarily as it was problematic in multiplayer
  • Further enhancements for the maturing FlexibleConfig system (eventually allow easier configs for all the things)
  • Various improvements to the groovyw module and related utility (more pending merge very shortly)
  • FloatingTextComponent tags can now be occluded behind objects (like a distant player tag in a cave below)
  • Easier interaction with player identities in multiplayer (manually import/export certificates) - see #3123
  • Another round of tweaks to the "items persisting at 0,0,0" saga in #3137 - maybe fixed now? Finally?
  • Better image scaling in UI elements
  • Various rendering work as the overhaul continues
  • Initial Java 9 compatibility fixes (rather minor - maybe there are still quirks to discover?)
  • Refactoring of how inputs and binds work - probably no visible changes but an FYI
  • Gradle upgrade from 2.10 to 3.3 and introduction of the Groovy Wrapper for utility (see #2979)

New modules

While overall module changes are hard to summarize (a ton of stuff happened to Rails in particular though!) listing newly added modules is fairly easy so here's a list:

v1.5.0 - Alpha 8 and GSOC 2017!

03 Sep 05:01
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Probably our biggest release ever, woo! Nearly half a year in the making. Yeah trying to release anything during a GSOC with no less than 10 students is probably doomed to failure, way too much activity. 644 commits! 161 issues closed! - and that's only in the engine, half the projects were elsewhere :-)

New modules include (might not even catch all and we might not have added some yet...): AdvancedBehaviors, AdventureAssets, Anatomy, CombatSystem, Inferno (from GCI tho), InGameHelpAPI, Lost, Projectile, Scenario, SegmentedPaths, Sensors, WildAnimalsGenome, WoodAndStoneCraftingJournal, WorldlyTooltipAPI

A bunch more stuff is now queued up for a v2.0.0 of the engine, including behavior tree overhaul, world sectors, new physics, block family refactoring, and more coming. So much activity and so many people! It has been a great summer :-)

Proper news post soon.

Edit: That is a loooooong changelist in Jenkins - and again that's only the engine! We need a way to start tracking everything across the module ecosystem that way too.

For some current highlights of known issues see #3093

Edit: As of September 4th the "Lost" save game has been added to the zip. If you run the game with -homedir it'll be in the right place to be picked up in-game, otherwise you may have to move it. See Nihal's Blog for instructions.

Alpha 7 - at long last!

20 Mar 06:51
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One of our more delayed releases due to all the activity with Google Code-In over winter, then followed immediately by getting into Google Summer of Code again! Yay?

Some 322 engine commits, 103 closed engine issues, plus an untold amount of module changes. Maybe some change notes soon, but so much to try to cover! With a little luck we can get back to smaller releases and do Alpha 8 within a month.

Can see the release issue #2766 for some more details on known issues.

Alpha 6 - the lots of stuff release!

28 Nov 08:11
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This release ran long and contains way more stuff than usual, including several new modules :-)

See the closed milestone issues for changes, and the engine job in Jenkins for more (it "failed" because one version number hadn't been updated, doh)

There are still some known issues that have been notable lately, those are tracked in a new milestone and hopefully we can fix some of those soon and maybe make Alpha 7 a pretty quick follow-up.

New modules included:

  • Alchemy - brew potions!
  • Cooking - make food!
  • EdibleSubstance - guess what this one goes with
  • Smithing - metal stuff - being extracted somewhat out of the TTA template
  • Thirst - extracted from Hunger which used to cover both
  • WorkstationCrafting - meant to hold the crafting powering both TTA and JS

As usual a lot of this stuff remains mostly accessible via game console and is more a sign of the area being worked on :-)

Alpha 5 and a half? Omega 583

05 Nov 04:43
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In lieu of releasing Alpha 6 for tomorrow's multiplayer test I've decided to just mark the latest Omega zip from the develop branch as what we'll aim to use. There are some outstanding issues I'm reluctant to leave in for a stable release.

On top of that I still only just got back from a week's vacation and only made it through about a thousand emails so far, along with getting the "unread" marker off most the PRs and issues updated since last. Still need to catch up with forum, Slack, other social media, and so on ... :-)

To get a feeling for what is in this build vs. Alpha 5 check out the closed issues in the Alpha 6 milestone keeping in mind that'll really only be accurate for a day or two from this posting ...

As another new thing we should be able to try out @qwc's Docker-hosted server for the testing, that'll be the "Official Unstable" entry in the server list. Just connected to it with this build right now and it works fine, although I suspect the server might need a quick restart / server reset, feels sluggish and world age is somewhat old :-)

Alpha 5, misc fixes with engine v1.2.2

08 Oct 07:05
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This is a relatively small patch release to create the Alpha 5 build, which goes with our 5th birthday festivities - fitting coincidence!

Most the changes covered can be reviewed at - I clearly need to stop attempting releases past 2 am, terrible for formal change notes! :-)

Alpha 4, lots of new modules + engine v1.2.1

10 Sep 06:17
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First release to capture all the work from GSOC over the summer. Lots of good stuff!

... which I'll write more about soon enough, but it is past 2 am here :-)