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WAVEWATCH III - Doxygen Reference

This document contains the needed information to mark-up WW3 source files with doxygen tags. The main task for this is adding headers for each Fortran90 component (FILE,MODULE,SUBROUTINE,FUNCTION,PROGRAM). Examples are provided with input from existing code, and the html output shown as it will look from the browser. Additionally, inline documentation for MODULE variables is required (these variables are listed after the MODULE declaration statement, but before the CONTAINS statement). Lastly, the shell commands for building the doxygen documentation and displaying it in a browser are also given.


Header Templates

These header should be placed directly above the Fortran90 component declaration.


!> @file 
!> @brief 
!> @author 
!> @date 


!> @brief 
!> @details 
!> @author 
!> @date 
!> @copyright Copyright 2009-2022 National Weather Service (NWS),
!>       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights
!>       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.
!>       No unauthorized use without permission.


!> @brief 
!> @details 
!> @param[inout] 
!> @author 
!> @date 


!> @brief 
!> @details 
!> @param 
!> @returns 
!> @author 
!> @date 


!> @brief 
!> @details 
!> @author 
!> @date 
!> @copyright Copyright 2009-2022 National Weather Service (NWS),
!>       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights
!>       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.
!>       No unauthorized use without permission.

[Return to Contents]

Header Examples

FILE Example

!> @file                                                                                         
!> @brief Contains driver program for multi-grid, W3MLTI.                                        
!> @author H. L. Tolman @date 29-May-2009                                                        
#include "w3macros.h"                                                                            
!/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- /                         

[Return to Contents]

MODULE Example

!> @brief Mean wave parameter computation for case without input and                             
!>  dissipation.                                                                                 
!> @author H. L. Tolman  @date 29-May-2009                                                       
!> @copyright Copyright 2009-2022 National Weather Service (NWS),
!>       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights
!>       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.
!>       No unauthorized use without permission.
!/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- /                         
      MODULE W3SRC0MD                                                                            
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/                  | WAVEWATCH III           NOAA/NCEP |                                        
!/                  |           H. L. Tolman            |                                        
!/                  |                        FORTRAN 90 |                                        
!/                  | Last update :         29-May-2009 |                                        
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/    05-Jul-2006 : Origination.                        ( version 3.09 )                         
!/    29-May-2009 : Preparing distribution version.     ( version 3.14 )                         
!/    Copyright 2009 National Weather Service (NWS),                                             
!/       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights                            
!/       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.                                     
!/       No unauthorized use without permission.                                                 
!  1. Purpose :                                        
!     Mean wave parameter computation for case without input and                                 
!     dissipation.                                                                               
!  2. Variables and types :                                                                      
!  3. Subroutines and functions :                                                                
!      Name      Type  Scope    Description                                                      
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!      W3SPR0    Subr. Public   Mean parameters from spectrum.                                   
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  4. Subroutines and functions used :                                                           
!      Name      Type  Module   Description                                                      
!     ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
!      W3SPR0    Subr. Public   Mean parameters from spectrum.                                   
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  4. Subroutines and functions used :                                                           
!      Name      Type  Module   Description                                                      
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!      STRACE    Subr. W3SERVMD Subroutine tracing.            ( !/S )                           
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  5. Remarks :                                                                                  
!  6. Switches :                                                                                 
!       !/S      Enable subroutine tracing.                                                      
!       !/T      Test output, see subroutines.                                                   
!  7. Source code :                                                                              
!/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- /                         

[Return to Contents]


!> @brief Interface to watershed partitioning routines.                                          
!> @details Watershed Algorithm of Vincent and Soille, 1991,                                     
!>  implemented by Barbara Tracy (USACE/ERDC) for NOAA/NCEP.                                     
!>  This version of W3PART contains alternate Met Office partitioning                            
!>  methods, selected at runtime using the \c PTMETH namlist variable:                           
!>    -# Standard WW3 partitioning, as per original method described                             
!>       by Barbary Tracy.                                                                       
!>    -# Met Office extended partitioning using split-partitions                                 
!>       (removes the wind sea part of any swell partiton and combines                           
!>       with total wind sea partition).                                                         
!>    -# Met Office "wave systems" - no classification or combining of                           
!>       wind sea partitions. All partitions output and ordered simply                           
!>       by wave height.                                                                         
!>    -# Classic, simple wave age based partitioning generating                                  
!>       a single wind sea and swell partition.                                                  
!>    -# 2-band partitioning; produces hi and low freqency band partitions                       
!>       using a user-defined cutoff frequency (\c PTFCUT). 
!> @remarks                                                                                      
!>    - \c DIMXP will always be of size 2 when using \c PTMETH 4 or 5.                           
!>    - To achieve minimum storage but guaranteed storage of all                                 
!>      partitions <tt>DIMXP = ((NK+1)/2) * ((NTH-1)/2)</tt>                                     
!>      unless specified otherwise below.                                                        
!> @param[in]    SPEC    2-D spectrum E(f,theta)                                                 
!> @param[in]    UABS    Wind speed                                                              
!> @param[in]    UDIR    Wind direction                                                          
!> @param[in]    DEPTH   Water depth                                                             
!> @param[in]    WN      Wavenumebers for each frequency                                         
!> @param[out]   NP      Number of partitions found                                              
!>                       (-1=Spectrum without minumum energy;                                    
!>                       0=Spectrum with minumum energy but no partitions)                       
!> @param[out]   XP      Parameters describing partitions.                                       
!>                       Entry '0' contains entire spectrum                                      
!> @param[in]    DIMXP   Second dimension of XP                                                  
!> @author Barbara Tracey, H. L. Tolman, M. Szyszka, Chris Bunney                                
!> @date 23 Jul 2018                                                                             
      SUBROUTINE W3PART ( SPEC, UABS, UDIR, DEPTH, WN, NP, XP, DIMXP )                           
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/                  | WAVEWATCH III          USACE/NOAA |                                        
!/                  |          Barbara  Tracy           |                                        
!/                  |           H. L. Tolman            |                                        
!/                  |                        FORTRAN 90 |                                        
!/                  | Last update :         02-Dec-2010 |                                        
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                    
!/    28-Oct-2006 : Origination.                       ( version 3.10 )                          
!/    02-Dec-2010 : Adding a mapping PMAP between      ( version 3.14 )                          
!/                  original and combined partitions                                             
!/                  ( M. Szyszka )                                                               
!  1. Purpose :                                                                                  
!     Interface to watershed partitioning routines.                                              
!  2. Method :                                                                                   
!     Watershed Algorithm of Vincent and Soille, 1991, implemented by                            
!     Barbara Tracy (USACE/ERDC) for NOAA/NCEP.                                                  
!  3. Parameters :                                                                               
!     Parameter list                                                                             
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!       SPEC    R.A.   I   2-D spectrum E(f,theta).                                              
!       UABS    Real   I   Wind speed.                                                           
!       UDIR    Real   I   Wind direction.                                                       
!       DEPTH   Real   I   Water depth.                                                          
!       WN      R.A.   I   Wavenumebers for each frequency.                                      
!       NP      Int.   O   Number of partitions.                                                 
!                           -1 : Spectrum without minumum energy.                                
!                            0 : Spectrum with minumum energy.                                   
!                                but no partitions.                                              
!       XP      R.A.   O   Parameters describing partitions.                                     
!                          Entry '0' contains entire spectrum.                                   
!       DIMXP   Int.   I   Second dimension of XP.                                               
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  4. Subroutines used :                                                                         
!      Name      Type  Module   Description                                                      
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!      STRACE    Sur.  W3SERVMD Subroutine tracing.                                              
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  5. Called by :                                                                                
!  6. Error messages :                                                                           
!  7. Remarks :                                                                                  
!     - To achieve minimum storage but guaranteed storage of all                                 
!       partitions DIMXP = ((NK+1)/2) * ((NTH-1)/2) unless specified                             
!       otherwise below.                                                                         
!     This version of W3PART contains alternate Met Office partitioning                          
!     methods, selected at runtime using the PTMETH namlist variable:                            
!         1) Standard WW3 partitioning                                                           
!         2) Met Office extended partitioning using split-partitions                             
!            (removes the wind sea part of any swell partiton and combines                       
!            with total wind sea partition).                      
!         3) Met Office "wave systems" - no classification or combining of                       
!            wind sea partitions. All partitions output and ordered simply                       
!            by wave height.                                                                     
!         4) Classic, simple wave age based partitioning generating                              
!            a single wind sea and swell partition. [DIMXP = 2]                                  
!         5) 2-band partitioning; produces hi and low freqency band partitions                   
!            using a user-defined cutoff frequency (PTFCUT). [DIMXP = 2]                         
!     (Chris Bunney, UK Met Office, Jul 2018)                                                    
!  8. Structure :                                                                                
!  9. Switches :                                                                                 
!     !/S    Enable subroutine tracing.                                                          
!     !/T    Enable test output                                                                  
! 10. Source code :                                                                              
!/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- /                         

[Return to Contents]


!> @brief Perform interpolation from regular to curvilinear grid                                 
!>  for a scalar field.                                                                          
!> @details This function uses bilinear interpolation to                                         
!>  estimate the value of a function f at point (x,y). f is assumed                              
!>  to be on a regular grid, with the grid x values specified by                                 
!>  xarray with dimension x_len and the grid y values specified by                               
!>  yarray with dimension y_len.                                                                 
!> @param X_LEN Dimension in X                                                                   
!> @param XARRAY 1D array for Longitudes                                                         
!> @param Y_LEN Dimension in Y                                                                   
!> @param YARRAY 1D array for Latitudes                                                          
!> @param FUNC 1D Field                                                                          
!> @param X Long for point in the curv grid                                                      
!> @param Y Lat for point in the curv grid                                                       
!> @param DELTA Threshold to determine if two values are equal                                   
!> @returns INTERPOLATE                                                                          
!> @author H. L. Tolman @date 25-Jul-2019                                                        
      REAL FUNCTION INTERPOLATE(X_LEN,XARRAY,Y_LEN,YARRAY,FUNC, &                                
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/                  | WAVEWATCH III           NOAA/NCEP |                                        
!/                  |           H. L. Tolman            |                                        
!/                  |                        FORTRAN 90 |                                        
!/                  | Last update :        25-July-2019 |                                        
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/                     (R. Padilla-Hernandez, EMC/NOAA)                                          
!/    29-July-2019 :                        ( version 7.13 )                                     
!  1. Purpose :                                                                                  
!     Perform interpolation from regular to curvilinear grid for a                               
!     scalar field. THIS FUNCTION USES BILINEAR INTERPOLATION TO                                 
!     ESTIMATE THE VALUE OF A FUNCTION F AT POINT (X,Y) F IS ASSUMED                             
!     TO BE ON A REGULAR GRID, WITH THE GRID X VALUES SPECIFIED BY                               
!     YARRAY WITH DIMENSION Y_LEN                                                                
!  2. Parameters :                                                                               
!     Parameter list                                                                             
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!       X_LEN    Int.  Dimension in X                                                            
!       XARRAY   Int.  1D array for Longitudes                                                   
!       Y_LEN    Int.  Dimension in Y                                                            
!       YARRAY   Int.  1D array for Latitudes
!       FUNC     Int.  1D Field                                                                  
!       X,Y      Real  Long-Lat for point in the curv grid                                       
!       DELTA    Real  Threshold to determine if two values are equal                            
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!     Internal parameters                                                                        
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!       INX     Int.  Index in X on the rectiliniear grid that is                                
!                     closest to, but less than, the given value for a                           
!                     point in the curvilinear grid.                                             
!       JNX     Int.  Idem INX for for Y.                                                        
!       X1,Y1   Real  (Long, Lat) left-bottom corner for the square in                           
!                     regular grid, where the given value for the point                          
!                     in the curvilinear grid lies                                               
!       X2,Y2   Real  (Long, Lat) right-upper corner for the square in                           
!                     regular grid, where the given value for the point                          
!                     in the curvilinear grid lies                                               
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  3. Subroutines used :                                                                         
!      Name          Type   Module   Description                                                 
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!     XYCURVISEARCH   Func. wmupdtmd Look for indexes in 1D array.                               
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  4. Called by :                                                                                
!     Main program in which it is contained. 
!     Main program in which it is contained.                                                     
!  5. Error messages :                                                                           
!       None.                                                                                    
!  6. Remarks :                                                                                  
!     -                                                                                          
!  7. Structure :                                                                                
!     See source code.                                                                           
!  8. Switches :                                                                                 
!       -                                                                                        

[Return to Contents]


!> @brief Preprocessing of input data.                                                           
!> @details Pre-processing of the input water level, current, wind, ice                          
!>  fields, momentum and air density, as well as assimilation data                               
!>  for the generic shell W3SHEL (ww3_shel.ftn).                                                 
!> @author H. L. Tolman 
!> @date 22-Mar-2021                                                                             
!> @copyright Copyright 2009-2022 National Weather Service (NWS),
!>       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights
!>       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.
!>       No unauthorized use without permission.
      PROGRAM W3PREP                                                                             
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/                  | WAVEWATCH III           NOAA/NCEP |                                        
!/                  |           H. L. Tolman            |                                        
!/                  |             A. Chawla             |                                        
!/                  |                        FORTRAN 90 |                                        
!/                  | Last update :         22-Mar-2021 |                                        
!/                  +-----------------------------------+                                        
!/    14-Jan-1999 : Final FORTRAN 77                    ( version 1.18 )                         
!/    18-Jan-2000 : Upgrade to FORTRAN 90               ( version 2.00 )                         
!/    11-Jan-2001 : Flat grid option added              ( version 2.06 )                         
!/    17-Jul-2001 : Clean-up                            ( version 2.11 )                         
!/    24-Jan-2002 : Add data for data assimilation.     ( version 2.17 )                         
!/    30-Apr-2002 : Fix 'AI' bug for 1-D fields.        ( version 2.20 ) 
!/    24-Apr-2003 : Fix bug for NDAT = 0 in data.       ( version 3.03 )                         
!/    24-Dec-2004 : Multiple grid version.              ( version 3.06 )                         
!/    28-Jun-2006 : Adding file name preamble.          ( version 3.09 )                         
!/    25-Sep-2007 : Switch header of file on or off,    ( version 3.13 )                         
!/                  Times to file (!/O15) (A. Chawla)                                            
!/    29-May-2009 : Preparing distribution version.     ( version 3.14 )                         
!/    30-Oct-2009 : Implement run-time grid selection.  ( version 3.14 )                         
!/                  (W. E. Rogers & T. J. Campbell, NRL)                                         
!/    30-Oct-2009 : Implement curvilinear grid type.    ( version 3.14 )                         
!/                  (W. E. Rogers & T. J. Campbell, NRL)                                         
!/    15-May-2010 : Add ISI (icebergs and sea ice).     ( version 3.14.4 )                       
!/    29-Oct-2010 : Implement unstructured grids        ( version 3.14.4 )                       
!/                  (A. Roland and F. Ardhuin)                                                   
!/    06-Dec-2010 : Change from GLOBAL (logical) to ICLOSE (integer) to                          
!/                  specify index closure for a grid.   ( version 3.14 )                         
!/                  (T. J. Campbell, NRL)                                                        
!/     1-Apr-2011 : Fix bug GLOBX forcing with unst.    ( version 3.14.4 )                       
!/    19-Sep-2011 : Fix bug prep forcing with unst.     ( version 4.04 )                         
!/    26-Dec-2012 : Modified obsolete declarations.     ( version 4.OF )                         
!/     3-Mar-2013 : Allows for longer input file name   ( version 4.09 )                         
!/    11-Nov-2013 : Allows for input binary files to be of WAVEWATCH                             
!/                  type (i.e. accounts for the header) ( version 4.13 )                         
!/    20-Jan-2017 : Update to new W3GSRUMD APIs         ( version 6.02 )                         
!/    22-Mar-2021 : Add momentum and air density        ( version 7.13 )                         
!/    Copyright 2009-2012 National Weather Service (NWS),                                        
!/       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  All rights                            
!/       reserved.  WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS.                                     
!/       No unauthorized use without permission.
!  1. Purpose :                                                                                  
!     Pre-processing of the input water level, current, wind, ice                                
!     fields, momentum and air density, as well as assimilation data                             
!     for the generic shell W3SHEL (ww3_shel.ftn).                                               
!  2. Method :                                                                                   
!     See documented input file.                                                                 
!  3. Parameters :                                                                               
!     Local parameters.                                                                          
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!       NDSI    Int.  Input unit number ("ww3_prep.inp").                                        
!       NDSLL   Int.  Unit number(s) of long-lat file(s)                                         
!       NDSF    I.A.  Unit number(s) of input file(s).                                           
!       NDSDAT  Int.  Unit number for output data file.                                          
!       IFLD    Int.  Integer input type.                                                        
!       ITYPE   Int.  Integer input 'format' type.                                               
!       NFCOMP  Int.  Number of partial input to be processed.                                   
!       FLTIME  Log.  Time flag for input fields, if false, single                               
!                     field, time read from NDSI.                                                
!       IDLALL  Int.  Layout indicator used by INA2R. +                                          
!       IDFMLL  Int.  Id. FORMAT indicator.           |                                          
!       FORMLL  C*16  Id. FORMAT.                     | Long-lat                                 
!       FROMLL  C*4   'UNIT' / 'NAME' indicator       |    file(s)                               
!       NAMELL  C*65  Name of long-lat file(s)        +                                          
!       IDLAF   I.A.   +                                                                         
!       IDFMF   I.A.   |    
!       FORMLL  C*16  Id. FORMAT.                     | Long-lat                                 
!       FROMLL  C*4   'UNIT' / 'NAME' indicator       |    file(s)                               
!       NAMELL  C*65  Name of long-lat file(s)        +                                          
!       IDLAF   I.A.   +                                                                         
!       IDFMF   I.A.   |                                                                         
!       FORMF   C.A.   | Idem. fields file(s)                                                    
!       FROMF   C*4    |                                                                         
!       NAMEF   C*65   +                                                                         
!       FORMT   C.A.  Format or time in field.                                                   
!       XC      R.A.  Components of input vector field or first                                  
!                     input scalar field                                                         
!       YC      R.A.  Components of input vector field or second                                 
!                     input scalar field                                                         
!       FX,FY   R.A.  Output fields.                                                             
!       ACC     Real  Required interpolation accuracy.                                           
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  4. Subroutines used :                                                                         
!      Name      Type  Module   Description                                                      
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!      W3NMOD    Subr. W3GDATMD Set number of model.                                             
!      W3SETG    Subr.   Id.    Point to selected model.                                         
!      W3NDAT    Subr. W3WDATMD Set number of model for wave data.                               
!      W3SETW    Subr.   Id.    Point to selected model for wave data.                           
!      W3NOUT    Subr. W3ODATMD Set number of model for output.                                  
!      W3SETO    Subr.   Id.    Point to selected model for output.                              
!      ITRACE    Subr. W3SERVMD Subroutine tracing initialization.                               
!      STRACE    Subr.   Id.    Subroutine tracing.                                              
!      NEXTLN    Subr.   Id.    Get next line from input filw
!      EXTCDE    Subr.   Id.    Abort program as graceful as possible.                           
!      STME21    Subr. W3TIMEMD Convert time to string.                                          
!      INAR2R    Subr. W3ARRYMD Read in an REAL array.                                           
!      INAR2I    Subr.   Id.    Read in an INTEGER array.                                        
!      PRTBLK    Subr.   Id.    Print plot of array.                                             
!      W3IOGR    Subr. W3IOGRMD Reading/writing model definition file.                           
!      W3FLDO    Subr. W3FLDSMD Opening of WAVEWATCH III generic shell                           
!                               data file.                                                       
!      W3FLDP    Subr.   Id.    Prepare interp. from arbitrary grid.                             
!      W3FLDG    Subr.   Id.    Reading/writing shell input data.                                
!      W3FLDD    Subr.   Id.    Reading/writing shell assim. data.                               
!      W3GSUC    Func. W3GSRUMD Create grid-search-utility object                                
!      W3GSUD    Subr. W3GSRUMD Destroy grid-search-utility object                               
!      W3GRMP    Func. W3GSRUMD Compute interpolation weights                                    
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------                           
!  5. Called by :                                                                                
!     None, stand-alone program.                                                                 
!  6. Error messages :                                                                           
!     - Checks on files and reading from file.                                                   
!     - Checks on validity of input parameters.                                                  
!  7. Remarks :                                                                                  
!     - Input fields need to be continuous in longitude and latitude.                            
!     - Longitude - latitude grid (Section 4.a) : program attempts to
!       detect closure type (ICLO) using longitudes of the grid. Thus,                           
!       it does not allow the user to specify the closure type, and so                           
!       tripole closure is not supported.                                                        
!     - Grid(s) from file (Section 4.a) : program reads logical variable                         
!       CLO(J) from .inp file. Thus, it does not allow the user to                               
!       specify more than two closure type (SMPL or NONE), and so                                
!       tripole closure is not supported.                                                        
!  8. Structure :                                                                                
!     ----------------------------------------------------                                       
!        1.a  Number of models.                                                                  
!                   ( W3NMOD , W3NOUT , W3SETG , W3SETO )                                        
!          b  I-O setup.                                                                         
!          c  Print heading(s).                                                                  
!        2.   Read model definition file.      ( W3IOGR )                                        
!        3.a  Read major types from input file.                                                  
!          b  Check major types.                                                                 
!          c  Additional input format types and time.                                            
!        4.   Prepare interpolation.                                                             
!          a  Longitude - latitude grid                                                          
!          b  Grid(s) from file.               ( W3FLDP )                                        
!          c  Initialize fields.                                                                 
!          d  Input location and format.                                                         
!        5    Prepare input and output files.                                                    
!          a  Open input file                                                                    
!          b  Open and prepare output file     ( W3FLDO )                                        
!        6    Until end of file                                                                  
!          a  Read new time and fields                                                           
!          b  Interpolate fields                                                                 
!          c  Write fields                     ( W3FLDG )                                        
!     ---------------------------------------------------- 
!  9. Switches :                                                                                 
!     !/WNT0  = !/WNT1                                                                           
!     !/WNT1  Correct wind speeds to (approximately) conserve the wind                           
!             speed over the interpolation box.                                                  
!     !/WNT2  Id. energy (USE ONLY ONE !)                                                        
!     !/CRT1  Like !/WNT1 for currents.                                                          
!     !/CRT2  Like !/WNT2 for currents.                                                          
!     !/O3    Additional output in fields processing loop.                                       
!     !/O15   Generate file with the times of the processed fields.                              
!     !/S     Enable subroutine tracing.                                                         
!     !/T     Enable test output,                                                                
!     !/T1    Full interpolation data.                                                           
!     !/T1a   Echo of lat-long data in type Fn                                                   
!     !/T2    Full input data.                                                                   
!     !/T3    Print-plot of output data.                                                         
!     !/NCO   NCEP NCO modifications for operational implementation.                             
! 10. Source code :                                                                              
!/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- / 

[Return to Contents]

Inlining Example

Module variables, which occur between the keywords MODULE and CONTAINS, must be declared individually and have an inline doxygen comment for documentation. Local variables (in SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, PROGRAM) are not documented with a doxygen comment.

MODULE variables

Unlike the headers, no doxygen tags are needed for inline documentation. Instead you include !< followed by the documentation directly after the variable declaration. If more than one line is needed, you can continue to put additional !< on blank lines that follow with the rest of the documentation.

module m_constants                                                              
! physical constants                                                            
real grav    !< gravitational acceleration                                      
real sqrtg   !< square root of grav                                             
real gsq     !< square of grav                                                  
real nu      !< kinematic viscosity of water                                    
real d_water !< density of water                                                
real d_air   !< density of air                                                  
! mathematical constants                                                        
real pi     !< circular constant, 3.1415...                                     
real pi2    !< 2*pi                                                             
real pih    !< pi/2                                                             
real dera   !< conversion from degrees to radians                               
real rade   !< conversion from radians to degrees                               
real expmin !< min argument for exp. function to avoid underflow                
real expmax !< max argument for exp. function to avoid overflow                 
real sqrt2  !< square root of 2 ~ 1.41                                          

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Build doxygen documentation

From the commandline, issue the following command from the WW3 root directory to build the doxygen documentation

doxygen ./docs/

Note: use doxygen version 1.8.17.

Display documentation in browser

The html output can be displayed in a browser by issuing this command from the WW3 root directory

firefox ./docs/html/index.html

Firefox is used here as an example, but can be the browser of your choice.

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