diff --git a/bibliography.bib b/bibliography.bib index 0da4e21..a6677b6 100644 --- a/bibliography.bib +++ b/bibliography.bib @@ -431,15 +431,15 @@ @Book{Casti2013 @Book{Verschuren2016, author = {Verschuren, Piet J. M and Doorewaard, Hans}, - publisher = {Boom}, title = {Het ontwerpen van een onderzoek}, - year = {2016}, - address = {Amsterdam}, - isbn = {978-94-6236-507-0 978-94-6274-200-0}, + isbn = {9789462365070}, note = {{OCLC}: 1194479615}, - abstract = {In dit boek wordt ruimschoots aandacht besteed aan praktijkgericht onderzoek. Bovendien geeft het boek heldere richtlijnen, procedures en stappenplannen die de student bij het opzetten van het afstudeerproject op de voet kan volgen. Hierdoor zal ook de uitvoering van het onderzoek soepeler verlopen.}, + publisher = {Boom}, url = {https://boeken.vakgebieden.boomportaal.nl/boeken/boek/9789462365070}, urldate = {2021-06-20}, + abstract = {In dit boek wordt ruimschoots aandacht besteed aan praktijkgericht onderzoek. Bovendien geeft het boek heldere richtlijnen, procedures en stappenplannen die de student bij het opzetten van het afstudeerproject op de voet kan volgen. Hierdoor zal ook de uitvoering van het onderzoek soepeler verlopen.}, + address = {Amsterdam}, + year = {2016}, } @Online{UNESCO2020, @@ -471,6 +471,99 @@ @Misc{PrivacySense2016 shorttitle = {What is the {Public} {Sector}?}, } +@Unpublished{Botjes2021a, + author = {{Botjes, Edzo A.} and {van den Berg, Martin} and {van Gils, Bas} and {Mulder, Hans}}, + date = {2021-08}, + title = {Attributes relevant to antifragile organizations}, + abstract = {Organizations operate in a socio-economic context, +and alignment with this context is key for business success. The +rate of change and impact of these changes on the operating +model of the organization appears to be increasing. Major trends +are the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, the “VUCA” +aspects (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity), and the +Covid-pandemic. The challenge for organizations is to become +resilient or even antifragile to survive (unexpected) external +stressors. +Antifragility refers to a class of systems that do not deteriorate +(fragile) or withstand (robust) stressors, but actually improve as +a result of stressors. Our objective is to find attributes that are +relevant for an organization to be(come) antifragile. The list of +attributes found is based on an extensive survey of available +literature, and is validated with domain experts and leaders of +various organizations. We dub the list of attributes found the +Extended Antifragile Attribute List (EAAL). +Considering the current economic and social impact on organizations +and people of the Covid-pandemic, the EAAL is relevant +as well timely. The EAAL turns out to be extensive and holistic. +We consider the EAAL to be a stepping stone in setting the scene +of the domain of antifragility. +We suspect that the EAAL might also be applied to generic +system design including technology infrastructure and software +systems. This exploration is part of future research.�}, + comment = {AMS044}, +} + +@Article{Skulmoski2007, + author = {Skulmoski, Gregory J. and Hartman, Francis T. and Krahn, Jennifer}, + date = {2007-01-01}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Information Technology Education: Research}, + title = {The Delphi Method for Graduate Research}, + issn = {1539-3585}, + note = {Publisher: Informing Science Institute}, + number = {1}, + pages = {1--21}, + url = {https://www.learntechlib.org/p/111405/}, + urldate = {2021-06-20}, + volume = {6}, + abstract = {The Delphi method is an attractive method for graduate students completing masters and {PhD} level research. It is a flexible research technique that has been successfully used in our program at the University of Calgary to explore new concepts within and outside of the information systems body of knowledge. The Delphi method is an iterative process to collect and distill the anonymous judgments of experts using a series of data collection and analysis techniques interspersed with feedback. The Delphi method is well suited as a research instrument when there is incomplete knowledge about a...}, + file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\rblieken\\Zotero\\storage\\I6LAULJM\\Skulmoski et al. - 2007 - The Delphi Method for Graduate Research.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\rblieken\\Zotero\\storage\\5CHH69A2\\111405.html:text/html}, + langid = {english}, +} + +@Book{Greefhorst2011, + author = {Greefhorst, Danny and Proper, Erik}, + date = {2011}, + title = {Architecture principles: the cornerstones of enterprise architecture}, + isbn = {978-3-642-20278-0 978-3-642-20279-7}, + location = {Heidelberg ; New York}, + note = {{OCLC}: ocn729345210}, + pagetotal = {197}, + publisher = {Springer}, + series = {The Enterprise engineering series}, + comment = {AMS014}, + groups = {Enterprise Architecture, Imported bibliography.bib, Evaluate}, + keywords = {Management information systems, System design}, + shorttitle = {Architecture principles}, +} + +@Book{Ross2014, + author = {Ross, Jeanne W and Weill, Peter and Robertson, David}, + date = {2014}, + title = {Enterprise Architecture As Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution.}, + isbn = {978-1-4221-4817-4}, + location = {Boston}, + note = {{OCLC}: 1015886391}, + publisher = {Harvard Business Review Press}, + url = {https://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Architecture-Strategy-Foundation-Execution/dp/1591398398/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Enterprise Architecture As Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution}, + urldate = {2021-06-20}, + abstract = {Does it seem you've formulated a rock-solid strategy, yet your firm still can't get ahead? If so, construct a solid foundation for business execution\#x97;an {IT} infrastructure and digitized business processes to automate your company's core capabilities. In Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution, authors Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, and David C. Robertson show you how. The key? Make tough decisions about which processes you must execute well, then implement the {IT} systems needed to digitize those processes. Citing numerous companies worldwide, the authors.}, + comment = {AMS013}, + groups = {Enterprise Architecture, Imported bibliography.bib}, + shorttitle = {Enterprise Architecture As Strategy}, +} + +@Book{Denzin2017, + author = {Denzin, Norman K.}, + date = {2017}, + title = {Research Act: a theoretical introduction to sociological methods.}, + isbn = {978-1-138-53819-1}, + note = {{OCLC}: 1003798389}, + pagetotal = {379}, + publisher = {{ROUTLEDGE}}, + url = {https://www.amazon.nl/Research-Act-Theoretical-Introduction-Sociological/dp/1138538191}, + shorttitle = {{RESEARCH} {ACT}}, +} + @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;} {PrivacySense2016, diff --git a/contents/abbreviations.tex b/contents/abbreviations.tex index 771ed27..c7b7ec6 100644 --- a/contents/abbreviations.tex +++ b/contents/abbreviations.tex @@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ \newacronym{vsm}{VSM}{Viable Systems Model} \newacronym{asd}{ASD}{\Gls{antifragile} Systems Design} %\newacronym{fmea}{FMEA}{Failure Mode Effects Analysis} -\newacronym{fmea}{FMEA}{\gls{glos_fmea}} \ No newline at end of file +\newacronym{fmea}{FMEA}{\gls{glos_fmea}} +\newacronym{is}{IS}{Information System} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contents/acknowledgements.tex b/contents/acknowledgements.tex index 2527ff5..e266781 100644 --- a/contents/acknowledgements.tex +++ b/contents/acknowledgements.tex @@ -2,3 +2,14 @@ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Acknowledgements} \chapter*{Acknowledgements} \lipsum[1] +\bigskip + +\noindent Edzo Botjes\\ +Hans Mulder\\ +Maarten Hillenaar\\ +Dieneke Schouten\\ +Barry O'Reilly\\ +Krista Bliekendaal\\ +Franc Weerwind\\ +Nathan Ducastel\\ +Theo Peters\\ diff --git a/contents/introduction.tex b/contents/introduction.tex index 771ace9..81f7ef7 100644 --- a/contents/introduction.tex +++ b/contents/introduction.tex @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ \section{Introduction of the Public Sector} The analysis of the 3 types of collaboration should go to the theoretical background. Is necessary to state that the public sector includes privately held companies in some way. Possible even a System-of-Systems. \end{remark} +\begin{remark} + Local government is influenced by national government because of policies and regulations. +\end{remark} + \section{Introduction of the concept Enterprise Architecture} \label{introea} \acrfull{ea} is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analysing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes. \acrshort{ea} delivers value by presenting business and IT leaders with signature-ready recommendations for adjusting policies and projects to achieve targeted business outcomes that capitalise on relevant business disruptions \parencite{Gartner}.\par @@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ \section{Problem statement} The concept of \gls{antifragility} implies that organisations could benefit and strengthen from crises, volatility, errors and uncertainty and could also lead to opportunities for innovation \parencite{Kastner2017}. Enterprise Architecture is a discipline that helps organisations to reach their goals. As stated by \textcite{Gartner} \acrshort{ea} is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analysing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes. One would expect that an organisation uses the discipline of \acrshort{ea} to get more towards the state of \gls{antifragility}. Research has been conducted on aspect architectures such as the application and information architectures but not on \acrshort{ea}. The problem is that the Body of Knowledge contains no direct knowledge on how to achieve \gls{antifragility} with the use of \acrshort{ea}. \section{The research subject} -\label{sec:research} +\label{sec:researchsubject} \acrshort{ea} facilitates an organisation in assessing the impact of change and making recommendations for target states that support business objectives. \acrshort{ea} guides an organisation in changing. \acrshort{ea} can help organisations in changing towards the state of \gls{antifragility}. However, what are the success factors of \acrshort{ea} that contribute in accomplishing \gls{antifragility}? This is summarised in a conceptual research model. \begin{figure}[H] \centering @@ -101,11 +105,11 @@ \section{The research subject} \end{enumerate} \section{Research relevance} \label{sec:researchrelevance} -\begin{wrapfigure}{R}{0.3\textwidth} - \centering - \includegraphics[width=0.28\textwidth]{images/antifragilebookcover.jpg} - \caption{Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder} -\end{wrapfigure} +%\begin{wrapfigure}{R}{0.3\textwidth} +% \centering +% \includegraphics[width=0.28\textwidth]{images/antifragilebookcover.jpg} +% \caption{Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder} +%\end{wrapfigure} \acrfull{ea} has contributed to being more \gls{robust}, \gls{resilient}, and \gls{agile}. Using \acrshort{ea} in pursuing \gls{antifragility} will add value to companies by accelerating and growing when there is a stressor or black swan event. The \gls{antifragile} theory is young. \citeauthor{Taleb2012} published the theory in his book ''\Gls{antifragile}: Things that gain from disorder.'' in \citeyear{Taleb2012}. Studies conducted on \acrshort{ea} with the concept of \gls{antifragile} are almost non-existence. The conducted studies are primarily about making IT Systems \gls{antifragile}. \textcite{Botjes2020,Kastner2017} are exceptions and have researched how to apply \gls{antifragile} in an organisational context. Nevertheless, both concluded that there is more research needed. The former used the lens of Enterprise Engineering, which is closely related to \acrshort{ea}, together with resilience, while the latter used mostly reslience as its lens. There is still no answer to how \acrshort{ea} can contribute to becoming \gls{antifragile}. Organisations use the practice of \acrshort{ea} to guide them to achieve their goals. Giving more insights on this subject will contribute to the Body of Knowledge and help others getting closer to \gls{antifragility} by using \acrshort{ea}. Because of the digital transformation, the pace of change is increasing rapidly. The increase in pace is not only seen in the private sector but also the public sector. The public sector has another change dimension; elections result in changed regulations and governmental policies. These changes are a result of a new political agenda. In the past, the chosen direction was stable for at least the period until the new elections. With the digital transformation the changes are also taking place in between elections with an increase of pace. Earlier chosen directions often result in the need for a new approach and even new directions. Earlier made investments can be made obsolete because of the new directions that follow out of those policies. The products and services that are delivered are, over time, unpredictable in use and functionality. To overcome this problem, most companies invest a great deal of time and money in being less fragile when the market changes or disruptions occur. This investment is to withstand changes by being more agile, robust, and resilient. By being more agile, robust, or resilient, the company can only withstand the change or the disruption but does not gain from it. See for more information chapter \ref{ch:vucaandpublicsector}. Governmental agencies and suppliers in the Public Sector are searching for methods of dealing with this increased pace and the disruptions that occur. The relevance of this research is not only about the addition to the Body of Knowledge but also to share the outcome with the Public Sector. diff --git a/contents/methodology.tex b/contents/methodology.tex index c3fdc94..f229652 100644 --- a/contents/methodology.tex +++ b/contents/methodology.tex @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ \subsection{Quality Principles of Recker} \item{\textbf{Falsification} describes the logical possibility than an assertion, hypothesis, or theory can be contradicted by an observation or other outcome of a scientific study or experiment.} \end{itemize} \begin{remark} - Howto falsify? + Howto falsify? \end{remark} \subsection{Fair Principles} \label{sub:fair} @@ -46,110 +46,195 @@ \subsection{The Open Science Framework} One of the starting points of the research is Open Science. The idea behind Open Science is to allow scientific information, data and outputs to be more widely accessible (Open Access) and more reliably harnessed (Open Data) with the active engagement of all the stakeholders (Open to Society) \parencite{UNESCO2020}. The Center for Open Science\footnote{{\url{https://www.cos.io/}}} supports this way of research by supplying guidelines and even a toolkit. For this research the toolkit is used to support Open Access, Open Data and Open to Society. One of the tools in the toolkit is a reference model to select tools for the four main phases of research: Search and Discover, Design Study, Collect and Analyse Data, and Publish Reports. The researcher uses this reference model in section \ref{sec:researchinfraandtooling}. Using this framework will help in achieving replicability, precision, and reusability. \section{Research approach} \label{sec:researchapproach} +In this section, the researcher describes the approach of the research. This description helps to increase replicability, independence, and reusability. For this research approach, the researcher follows the research model (figure \ref{fig:research-model}) and the research (sub)questions (section \ref{sec:researchsubject}). The research model contains five phases in the research. The five phases are used to describe the research approach. The five phases are (a) Desk research, (b) Confrontation, (c) Analysis, (d) Validation, and (e) Conclusion and discussions. +\subsection{Desk research} +\label{sub:deskresearchphase} +The first phase of the research model emphasises desk research on the relevant concepts, theories and definitions. Desk research is conducted based on a literature study. The main concepts of \gls{antifragile}, \acrshort{ea}, \acrshort{vuca}, and the public sector are studied. This first phase (a) will answer the sub-questions of: +\begin{itemize} + \item{What is literature saying about \gls{antifragile}?} + \item{What is literature saying about the Public Sector Market?} + \item{What is literature saying about \acrlong{ea}?} + \item{What is literature saying about the success factors of Enterprise Architecture?} +\end{itemize} +\subsubsection{Literature research} +For the literature research two primary methods are used. The first method is (foward and backward) snowballing of already acquired literature. The second method is the use of online scientific libraries. -What is literature saying about the Public Sector Market? -What is literature saying about \acrlong{ea}? -What is literature saying about the success factors of Enterprise Architecture? -What does literature say about antifragile? -How can the success factors of \acrlong{ea} contribute to becoming antifragile? +\begin{figure}[H] + \centering + \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{images/snowball} + \caption[Snowballing literature]{Snowballing literature \parencite{Botjes2021a}} + \label{fig:snowball} +\end{figure} + +For finding relevant literature that was created after the start of the thesis of \citeauthor{Botjes2020} online scientific libraries are used. The online scientific libraries are Web of Science, Research Gate, and Google Scholar. The full concept name is used and the known abbreviations of the concept (e.g. Enterprise Architecture and EA). The list of abbreviations contains the used abbreviations. Literature is only accepted if the literature complies with quality attributes. These attributes are accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage\footnote{\url{https://libguides.library.cityu.edu.hk/litreview/evaluating-sources/}}. All found literature is administrated for replicability, independence, precision, accessibility, and reusability. Section \ref{sub:tbresearchexecution} describes how literature registration and administration is executed. +\subsubsection{Antifragile} +\label{subsub:antifragile} +The literature study on \gls{antifragile} makes use of four primary sources. The first primary source is the book ''\Gls{antifragile}: Things that gain from disorder'' \parencite{Taleb2012}. \textcite{Taleb2012} is the progenitor of the \gls{antifragile} theory. The second primary source is the master thesis ''Defining \Gls{antifragility} and the application on Organisation Design" \parencite{Botjes2020}. \citeauthor{Botjes2020} studied the literature, extensively, in the field of \gls{antifragile} and the application in the context of an organisation. By using the thesis of \citeauthor{Botjes2020} the literature study of this study concentrates on the literature after 2018. The last two primary resources are the articles ''No More Snake Oil: Architecting \Gls{agility} through \Gls{antifragility}'' and ''The Philosophy of Residuality Theory'' \parencite{OReilly2019,OReilly2021}. \textcite{Botjes2020} did not use the articles of \citeauthor{OReilly2019}. The theories of \citeauthor{OReilly2019} were less of interest for the subject of \citeauthor{Botjes2020}. While for this research the Residuality Theory of \textcite{OReilly2021} has added value since it targets system architecture. -What are the success factors of \acrlong{ea} for \gls{antifragility} in the public sector market? +\begin{remark} + Need to add second book from Taleb (Black Swan) since Antifragile is an answer to black swan events.\\ + Need to add book of Hole as it is one of the sources referenced by many. +\end{remark} -\section{Delphi Method} -For the Delphi Group participants see appendix~\ref{app:delphigroupparticipants} \\% +The first method for literature study is snowballing. Snowballing of these sources is used to determine other important literature on \gls{antifragile}. Forward snowballing is used for the source of \citeauthor{Taleb2012}. Since \citeauthor{Taleb2012} is the progenitor, it is not necessary to do a backward snowballing. Backward snowballing is used for the sources from \citeauthor{Botjes2020} and \citeauthor{OReilly2019}. + +The second method for literature study is the use of online scientific libraries. For these libraries the following set of keywords or key sentences are used. +\bigskip + +\begin{table}[H] + \centering +\begin{tabular}{p{0.4\textwidth}p{0.4\textwidth}} + \toprule + \gls{antifragile} & \gls{antifragile} \gls{robust} \gls{resilient} \gls{agile}\\% + \gls{antifragile} \acrlong{ea} & \gls{antifragile} public sector\\% + \gls{antifragile} success factors & residuality theory\\% + \gls{antifragile} residuality theory & \acrlong{vuca} \\% + \gls{antifragile} system & \\% + \bottomrule +\end{tabular} + \caption{Antifragile keywords} +\end{table} + +\subsubsection{Enterprise Architecture} +\label{subsub:enterprisearchitecture} +The literature study on \acrshort{ea} makes use of three primary sources. \textcite{Greefhorst2011} is a book on the theory on steering mechanisms of \acrshort{ea} with the emphasis on the use of principles. \textcite{Ross2014} is the most referenced book on the subject \acrshort{ea} and Business Strategy. The last one is the article of \textcite{Lapalme2012} who researched the different manifestations of \acrshort{ea}. + +The first method is snowballing. All three sources will be used for forward and backward snowballing. The second method for literature study is the use of online scientific libraries. For these libraries the following set of keywords and key sentences are used: +\bigskip + +\begin{table}[H] + \centering +\begin{tabular}{p{0.4\textwidth}p{0.4\textwidth}} + \toprule + \acrlong{ea} & \acrlong{ea} sucess factors\\% + \acrlong{ea} \gls{antifragile} system & \acrlong{ea} steering mechanism\\% + intentional emergent \acrlong{ea} & \acrlong{ea} Business Strategy\\% + \bottomrule +\end{tabular} + \caption{Enterprise Architecture keywords} +\end{table} + + +\subsubsection{Public Sector} +\label{subsub:publicsector} +The literature study on public sector makes use of one primary source. \textcite{Wal2008} is an article on the differences between the public and private sector based on the core values of these sectors. This article is used for forward and backward snowballing. The last method for literature study is the use of online scientific libraries. For these libraries the following set of keywords and key sentences are used: +\bigskip + +\begin{table}[H] + \centering + \begin{tabular}{p{0.4\textwidth}p{0.4\textwidth}} + \toprule + Difference public and private sector & Public Sector \gls{antifragile}\\% + Collaboration public and private sector & Public Sector \gls{resilient}\\% + Public Sector \acrshort{vuca} & \\% + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} + \caption{Public sector keywords} +\end{table} -What about the sample size? Normally Delphi is about 100+. What about this research. How large should the sample size be for a qualitative result?\ -Answer of sample size 12 to 18 (stated by promotor)\\ -The result of the research of \textcite[p. 404]{Diamond2014} states a median of 75\% to determin consensus. \begin{remark} - After email conversation with Hans. I decided on 12 tot 18 participants. + The preliminary research on the topic public sector is not started yet. Maybe some primary sources will emerge. \end{remark} +\subsection{Confrontation} +\label{sub:confrontationphase} -\section{Literature research} -For the literature research two methods are used. The first method is (foward and backward) snowballing already found literature. The second method is the use of scientific (online) libraries. The used libraries are: -\begin{itemize} - \item{Web of Science} - \item{Research Gate} - \item{Google Scholar} -\end{itemize} +\begin{remark} + What is the model for confrontation? + I have to dtermine the lens I am going to use. +\end{remark} -\noindent A predefined collection of search strings is used for the search with scientific libraries. -\subsection{Search strings} -The following search strings are used for finding literature with the scientific libraries. Not only the full concept name is used but also the abbreviations (eg. Independent Software Vendor and ISV, Enterprise Architecture and EA).\\ +The second phase (b) - \noindent - \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}} - \textbf{\acrlong{ea}} & \\ - Enterprise Architecture Antifragile & Search String 2\\% - Search String 3 & Search String 4\\% - \end{tabular} +\subsection{Analysis} +\label{sub:analysisphase} -\vspace{\baselineskip} +\begin{remark} + What is the model for Analysis? + I have to determine the lens I am going to use. +\end{remark} - \noindent - \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}} - \textbf{\Gls{antifragile}} & \\ - antifragile robust agile resilient & Search String 2\\% - Search String 3 & Search String 4\\% - \end{tabular} +The third phase (c) -\vspace{\baselineskip} +How can the success factors of \acrlong{ea} contribute to becoming antifragile? - \noindent - \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}} - \textbf{\acrlong{isv}} & \\ - Independent Software Vendor antifragile & Independent Software vendor resilient\\% - Independent Software Vendor Public Sector & Independent Software Vendor Enterprise Architecture\\% - \end{tabular} +\subsection{Validation} +\label{sub:validatinphase} +The fourth phase (d) analyses the outcome of the analysis phase. This outcome is the answer to the sub-question ''How can the success factors of \acrlong{ea} contribute to becoming antifragile?'' This answer needs to be validated. The answer is validated by the means of an artefact. The artefact is validated with the Delphi Method. \needsref -\vspace{\baselineskip} +\subsubsection{Delphi Method} +\label{subsub:delphimethod} +The Delphi method is an iterative process to collect and distil the anonymous judgments of experts using a series of data collection and analysis techniques interspersed with feedback. The Delphi method is well suited as a research instrument when incomplete knowledge about a problem or phenomenon. The Delphi method evolved into a flexible research method appropriate for many \acrfull{is} research projects, such as determining the criteria for \acrshort{is} prototyping decisions, ranking technology management issues in new product development projects, and developing a descriptive framework of knowledge manipulation +activities. The Delphi method is a flexible, effective and efficient research method that can be successfully used by \acrshort{is} graduate students to answer research questions in \acrshort{is} and to advance the \acrshort{is} Body of Knowledge rigorously. \parencite{Skulmoski2007} - \noindent - \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}} - \textbf{Public Sector} & \\ - Difference public and private sector & Public Sector antifragile\\% - Public Sector resilient & Search String 4\\% - \end{tabular} +The group participants are mutually unknown, only the researcher knows the participants. When it cannot be proven that the artefact is incorrect, it must be correct. This method is the principle of falsification. To reach a consensus, the researcher uses questionnaires. To reach a consensus, the researcher works iteratively and adjusts the artefact. The researcher expects consensus on the artefact after two to six rounds of questionnaires. The goal of the Delphi Rounds is that it cannot be proven that the artefact is incorrect. This method is the principle of falsification (subsection \ref{sub:recker}). However, when is there a consensus? \textcite[p. 404]{Diamond2014} concludes in his research for over more than 100 cases that the median of the percentage of consensus 75\% is. The researcher states, as a result of the research of \textcite{Diamond2014}, that consensus is reached with the threshold of 75\%. The researcher states with some degree of certainty that the artefact is correct with a consensus of 75\%. -\vspace{\baselineskip} +The researcher defined domains for the group composition based on the context of the research. These domains are \acrfull{isv}, Municipality, National Government, VNG-Realisatie (the association of Dutch municipalities), and Academics. Participants are members of one or more of these domains and have an affinity with Enterprise Architecture and the public sector. The researcher invited at least three participants per domain (n=3). The result is a total population of at least fifteen (n=15). The approach followed \textcite{Denzin2017} multiple triangulation approach, which encourages several methods to collect data and multiple investigators with varied expertise. - \noindent - \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}} - \textbf{Enterprise Architeture \& Antifragile} & \\ - Search String 1 & Search String 2\\% - Search String 3 & Search String 4\\% - \end{tabular} +For the Delphi Group composition domains are defined based on the context of the research. These domains are \acrfull{isv}, Municipality, National Government, VNG-Realisatie (the association of Dutch municipalities), and Academics. The participants have affinity with \acrshort{ea}. The participants validate the artefact their context and domain. -\paragraph{Enterprise Architect \& Antifragility} +Meeting Wizard is the service for sending out the questionnaires and execute the analysis of the outcome of the questionnaires. The participants get an invite by email to fill in the questionnaires. The researcher analyses the results after every round and communicates the outcome as soon as a consensus is reached. +\subsection{Conclusion and discussion phase} +\label{sub:conclusionanddiscussinophase} +The fifth phase (e) -\paragraph{Public Sector Market \& Independent Software Vendor} +What are the success factors of \acrlong{ea} for \gls{antifragility} in the Public Sector? -\subsection{Criteria for admission of literature} -It is essential that the literature must help to develop the knowledge necessary to conduct the research. But before the literature can be used the quality of the literature must be evaluated. For evaluating the literature on the usability for this research the criteria accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage is used\footnote{\url{https://libguides.library.cityu.edu.hk/litreview/evaluating-sources/}}. +\section{Research type} +\begin{remark} + Qualitative vs Quantitative! (use \parencite{Recker2013}) +\end{remark} \section{Research infrastructure and tooling} \label{sec:researchinfraandtooling} +\begin{wrapfigure}{R}{0.5\textwidth} + \begin{center} + \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{images/osfframework} + \caption[Open Science Framework]{Open Science Framework} + \label{fig:osfframework} + \end{center} +\end{wrapfigure} For selecting the suitable instruments for the research, the Open Science Framework\footnote{\url{https://www.cos.io/products/osf}} is used. The Open Science Framework consists out of 4 stages in a research project. Those stages are: ''Search and Discover, Design Study, Collect and Analyse, and Publish Reports.'' The Open Science Framework proposes specific infrastructure and tools per stage. The transparency in the used infrastructure and tools increases the quality of the research. It increases the replication factor, findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. -\begin{figure}[H] - \centering - \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{images/osfframework} - \caption[Open Science Framework]{Open Science Framework} - \label{fig:osfframework} -\end{figure} \subsection{Thesis creation} -The student used his corporate laptop (Dell Latitude 7200 2-in-1\footnote{\url{https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/dell-laptops-and-notebooks/latitude-7200-2-in-1-laptop/spd/latitude-12-7200-2-in-1-laptop}}) with Windows 10 Professional installed for creating the thesis. The thesis is created with the markup language \LaTeX\footnote{\url{https://www.latex-project.org/}}. The used typesetting environment is TexLive\footnote{\url{https://www.tug.org/texlive/}} with the document type of ''Report'' from KOMA-Script\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script}}. TexStudio\footnote{\url{https://www.texstudio.org/}} is the used \LaTeX\ Editor. It supports syntax-highlighting, has an integrated viewer, reference checking and numerous wizards. For the creation and administration of references Bib\LaTeX\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex/}} is used with the reference manager JabRef\footnote{\url{https://www.jabref.org/}} with the citation style of APA 7th Edition\footnote{\url{https://apastyle.apa.org/}} and with web browser integration. The files are stored on a personal Dropbox\footnote{\url{https://www.dropbox.com/}} that is used by GitHub Desktop\footnote{\url{https://desktop.github.com/}} to synchronise with a public GitHub repository\footnote{\url{https://github.com/JRBliekendaal/master-thesis}}. GitHub\footnote{\url{https://github.com/}} is used for source control but also for reviewing and discussing the topics with the (Co-)Promotor and the planning of the master thesis project. The thesis source files are copied to an Amazon S3 Blob\footnote{\url{https://aws.amazon.com/s3/}} for backup. The backup rotation is seven versions. Cloudberry Explorer Freeware for Amazon S3\footnote{\url{https://www.msp360.com/explorer/windows/amazon-s3.aspx}} is used for backup. Grammarly\footnote{\url{https://www.grammarly.com}}, with the paid subscription service, checks the thesis for spelling, grammar, style, and plagiarism. The used goals for Grammarly are audience=knowledgeable, formality=formal, and domain=academic. Microsoft Visio Professional\footnote{\url{https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-365/visio/}} is used to create figures. The GitHub repository contains all the sources. +\label{sub:tbresearchcreation} +The researcher used his corporate laptop (Dell Latitude 7200 2-in-1\footnote{\url{https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/dell-laptops-and-notebooks/latitude-7200-2-in-1-laptop/spd/latitude-12-7200-2-in-1-laptop}}) with Windows 10 Professional installed for creating the thesis. The thesis is created with the markup language \LaTeX\footnote{\url{https://www.latex-project.org/}}. The used typesetting environment is TexLive\footnote{\url{https://www.tug.org/texlive/}} with the document type of ''Report'' from KOMA-Script\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script}}. TexStudio\footnote{\url{https://www.texstudio.org/}} is the used \LaTeX\ Editor. It supports syntax-highlighting, has an integrated viewer, reference checking and numerous wizards. For the creation and administration of references Bib\LaTeX\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex/}} is used with the reference manager JabRef\footnote{\url{https://www.jabref.org/}} with the citation style of APA 7th Edition\footnote{\url{https://apastyle.apa.org/}} and with web browser integration. The files are stored on a personal Dropbox\footnote{\url{https://www.dropbox.com/}} that is used by GitHub Desktop\footnote{\url{https://desktop.github.com/}} to synchronise with a public GitHub repository\footnote{\url{https://github.com/JRBliekendaal/master-thesis}}. GitHub\footnote{\url{https://github.com/}} is used for source control but also for reviewing and discussing the topics with the (Co-)Promotor and the planning of the master thesis project. The thesis source files are copied to an Amazon S3 Blob\footnote{\url{https://aws.amazon.com/s3/}} for backup. The backup rotation is seven versions. Cloudberry Explorer Freeware for Amazon S3\footnote{\url{https://www.msp360.com/explorer/windows/amazon-s3.aspx}} is used for backup. Grammarly\footnote{\url{https://www.grammarly.com}}, with the paid subscription service, checks the thesis for spelling, grammar, style, and plagiarism. The used goals for Grammarly are audience=knowledgeable, formality=formal, and domain=academic. Microsoft Visio Professional\footnote{\url{https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-365/visio/}} is used to create figures. The GitHub repository contains all the sources. \subsection{Research administration} -\label{tbresearchadministration} +\label{sub:tbresearchadministration} The research administration, which includes documentation containing privacy-sensitive information, like the name and contact information of the Delphi Group participants, is stored on a non-public GitHub Repository\footnote{\url{https://github.com/JRBliekendaal/master-thesis-administration}}. The private GitHub Repository is also for staging thesis parts that still need to be anonymised. For taking notes Leuchtturm1917\footnote{\url{https://www.leuchtturm1917.us/notebook-classic.html}} Notebooks are used with mechanical pencils of Faber-Castell\footnote{\url{https://www.fabercastell.com/products/tk-fine-vario-l-mechanical-pencil-10mm-135900}} and pens from Sakura\footnote{\url{https://www.sakuraofamerica.com/product/pigma-micron/}} with long-lasting ink. \subsection{Research execution} \label{sub:tbresearchexecution} For the execution of the research, Microsoft Excel\footnote{\url{https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel}} is used for the administration of the literature research. For the administration of the literature research, the following headers are used: ID (for a unique ID per item), search terms used, scope, title, subtitle, author(s), year, type, Bib\LaTeX\ citation key, title relevance, abstract relevance, content relevance, found at, doi/isbn, url, date found, duplicate, date used, use for, and notes. Researchgate\footnote{\url{https://www.researchgate.net/}}, Web of Science\footnote{\url{https://app.webofknowledge.com/}}, and Google Scholar\footnote{\url{https://scholar.google.com/}} are the main sources for searching for literature. PaperPanda\footnote{\url{https://paperpanda.app/}} is used for hard to find literature. The literature administration is, together with the publicly available literature, stored in the repository of the master thesis. For non-public available literature, the administration contains the location where the literature is retrievable. All the literature is added to a bib\LaTeX\ file for future reference. For traceability the entries in the bib\LaTeX\ file contain the Unique ID in the notes field. JabRef is used to sort the references by using subgroups to support the workflow. The subgroups used are: ''evaluate, rejected, and used.'' Only the literature in the subgroup used are transferred to the bibliography file of the thesis. This prevents cluttering. For working as paperless as possible all the literature, where possible, is in pdf or in ebook format. For reading Acrobat Reader DC\footnote{\url{https://get.adobe.com/reader/}} is used for reading the PDF, and an Amazon Kindle Oasis\footnote{\url{https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L5GJD99}} for eBooks. With the Amazon Kindle the highlight feature is used. This is not stored on GitHub since the highlights are under copyright of the author(s).\par -For the execution of the Delphi Method, Meetingwizard\footnote{\url{https://www.meetingwizard.nl/}} is used for questionnaires and the analysis of the questionnaires. The license for using Meeting Wizard is supplied by the Antwerp Management School. \ No newline at end of file +For the execution of the Delphi Method, Meetingwizard\footnote{\url{https://www.meetingwizard.nl/}} is used for questionnaires and the analysis of the questionnaires. The license for using Meeting Wizard is supplied by the Antwerp Management School. + +\subsection{Summary of used infrastructure and tooling} + +\begin{table}[!h] + \begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{@{}cccc@{}} + \toprule + Search \& Discover & Design Study & Collect \& Analyse Data & Publish Reports\\ \midrule + Web of Science & 1 & JabRef & \LaTeX \\% + ResearchGate & & & TeXstudio \\% + Google Scholar & 2 & PaperPanda & ORCID \\% + Z & 0 & bib\LaTeX & ResearchGate \\% + Z & x & Meetingwizard & Zenodo \\% + Z & x & Microsoft Excel & Grammarly \\% + Y & 2 & GitHub & Microsoft Visio \\% + Y & 2 & Cloud Berry Explorer for S3 & \\% + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} + \caption{Used infrastructure \& tooling} + \label{tab:usedinfrastructuretooling} + \end{center} +\end{table} + +\begin{remark} + This section needs a tabel to summarise the used tools in relation to the OSF framework. +\end{remark} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contents/retrospective.tex b/contents/retrospective.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35733a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/contents/retrospective.tex @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +\chapter{Retrospective} +\lipsum[1] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/images/osfframework - Copy.png b/images/osfframework - Copy.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c08b211 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/osfframework - Copy.png differ diff --git a/images/osfframework.png b/images/osfframework.png index c08b211..b19309b 100644 Binary files a/images/osfframework.png and b/images/osfframework.png differ diff --git a/images/snowball.png b/images/snowball.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aff58f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/snowball.png differ diff --git a/images/sources/osfframework.xcf b/images/sources/osfframework.xcf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ae2692 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/sources/osfframework.xcf differ diff --git a/main.ist b/main.ist index 66af00c..30e3663 100644 --- a/main.ist +++ b/main.ist @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % makeindex style file created by the glossaries package -% for document 'main' on 2021-9-23 +% for document 'main' on 2021-9-24 actual '?' encap '|' level '!' diff --git a/main.pdf b/main.pdf index 4d3f6fe..fe18591 100644 Binary files a/main.pdf and b/main.pdf differ diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex index bf982b0..9b79b61 100644 --- a/main.tex +++ b/main.tex @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{booktabs} +\usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[toc,page]{appendix} \usepackage{ccicons} % The Creative Commons Icons \usepackage{perpage} %the perpage package @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ \include{contents/conclusion} % Add the conclusion \include{contents/discussion} % Add the discussion + \include{contents/retrospective}% Add the restrospective %\include{contents/textblocks} % Pieces of text that can be used @@ -102,9 +104,10 @@ % Tail of Thesis \printbibliography % Add Bibliography - + \newpage \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures} - \listoffigures % Add the List of Figures + \listoffigures + \newpage % Add the List of Figures \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables} \listoftables % Add the list of Tables \printglossary[title=Glossary of Terms]