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This application is not covered with MIT license. This application is licensed with Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Please have a look at dos and dont's here : Creative commons website link Hand gesture model's reference : Dataset link

User can : Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Under these terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Application: Overview

This application showcases the capability of deep neural networks to predict different hand gestures. It detect total of 8 Gestures that includes one, two, three, four, five, thumbs up, thumbs down and rock in the hand with the highest precision.

The AI model used for the sample application is YOLOV3.


This application 12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2 detects the following


one gesture output


two gesture output


three gesture output


four gesture output


five gesture output


thumbs_up gesture output


thumbs_down gesture output


rock gesture output

Targeted product

  • RZ/V2H Evaluation Board Kit (RZ/V2H EVK)

Sample video

Application: Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Prepare the following equipments referring to Getting Started.

Equipment Details
RZ/V2H EVK Evaluation Board Kit for RZ/V2H
USB camera -
HDMI monitor Display the application.
HDMI cable Connect HDMI monitor and RZ/V2H Board.
microSD Card Used as filesystem.
USB Hub Used for connecting USB Mouse and USB Keyboard to the board.
USB Mouse Used for HDMI screen control.
USB Keyboard Used for terminal input.

Note: All external devices will be attached to the board and does not require any driver installation (Plug n Play Type).

Connect the hardware as shown below.

Connected Hardware

When using the keyboard connected to RZ/V2H EVK Evaluation Board, the keyboard layout and language are fixed to English.

Application: Build Stage

Note: User can skip to the next stage (deploy) if they don't want to build the application. All pre-built binaries are provided.

This project expects the user to have completed Getting Started provided by Renesas.

After completion of Getting Started, the user is expected of following conditions.

  • The board setup is done.
  • SD card is prepared.
  • The docker container of rzv2h_ai_sdk_image is running on the host machine.

Note: Docker environment is required for building the application.

Application File Generation

  1. On your host machine, download the repository from the GitHub to the desired location.

    1. It is recommended to download/clone the repository on the data folder which is mounted on the rzv2h_ai_sdk_container docker container as shown below.
    cd <path_to_data_folder_on_host>/data
    git clone

    Note 1: Please verify the git repository url if error occurs.

    Note 2: This command will download whole repository, which include all other applications.
    If you have already downloaded the repository of the same version, you may not need to run this command.

  2. Run (or start) the docker container and open the bash terminal on the container.
    Here, we use the rzv2h_ai_sdk_container as the name of container, created from rzv2h_ai_sdk_image docker image.

    Note that all the build steps/commands listed below are executed on the docker container bash terminal.

  3. Set your clone directory to the environment variable.

    export PROJECT_PATH=/drp-ai_tvm/data/rzv_ai_apps
  4. Go to the application source code directory.

    cd ${PROJECT_PATH}/12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2/src
  5. Build the application by following the commands below.

    mkdir -p build && cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./toolchain/runtime.cmake -DV2H=ON ..
    make -j$(nproc)
  6. The following application file would be genarated in the ${PROJECT_PATH}/12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2/src/build directory

  • hand_gesture_recognition_v2_app

Application: Deploy Stage

For the ease of deployment all the deployables file and folders are provided on the exe_v2h folder.

File Details
hand_yolov3_onnx Model object files for deployment.
hand_gesture_recognition_v2_app application file.
  1. Follow the steps below to deploy the project on the board.

    1. Run the commands below to download the from Release v4.00
    cd ${PROJECT_PATH}/12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2/exe_v2h/hand_yolov3_onnx
    1. Rename the to
    1. Verify the presence of file in ${PROJECT_PATH}/12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2/exe_v2h/hand_yolov3_onnx
    2. Copy the following files to the /home/root/tvm directory of the rootfs (SD Card) for the board.
      • All files in exe_v2h directory. (Including file.)
      • 12_Hand_gesture_recognition_v2 application file if you generated the file according to Application File Generation
    3. Check if is there on /usr/lib64 directory of the rootfs (SD card) on the board.
  2. Folder structure in the rootfs (SD Card) would look like:

├── usr/
│   └── lib64/
│       └──
└── home/
    └── root/
        └── tvm/ 
            ├── hand_yolov3_onnx/
            │   ├── deploy.json
            │   ├── deploy.params
            │   └──
            ├── labels.txt
            └── hand_gesture_recognition_v2_app

Note: The directory name could be anything instead of tvm. If you copy the whole exe_v2h folder on the board. You are not required to rename it tvm.

Application: Run Stage

  1. On the board terminal, go to the tvm directory of the rootfs.
cd /home/root/tvm
  1. Run the application.

    • Application with USB camera input
    ./hand_gesture_recognition_v2_app USB 
  2. Following window shows up on HDMI screen.

Sample application output

  1. To terminate the application, switch the application window to the terminal by using Super(windows key)+ Tab and press ENTER key on the terminal of the board.

Application: Configuration

AI Model

Input size: 1x3x416x416
Output1 size: 1x13x13x39
Output2 size: 1x26x26x39
Output3 size: 1x52x52x39

AI inference time

Board AI inference time
RZ/V2H EVK Approximately
Yolov3: 26ms


Processing Details
Pre-processing Processed by CPU.
Inference Processed by DRP-AI and CPU.
Post-processing Processed by CPU.


  1. The prediction works best when the distance between camera and hand is in between 0.5 - 1.0 meter.
  2. The accuracy improves with minimum background noise or movement.


  • For RZ/V2H EVK, this application supports USB camera only with 640x480 resolution.
    FHD resolution is supported by e-CAM22_CURZH camera (MIPI).
    Please refer to following URL for how to change camera input to MIPI camera.