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vlebars edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 9 revisions

What is EnrichRadar ?

EnrichRadar is an Rshiny application that provides an intuitive interface that enables users to easily explore differential expression datasets. With EnrichRadar, users can adjust parameters such as p-value and log2foldchange thresholds, and visualize the corresponding changes in real-time on the output dataframe and/or on the dynamically created volcano plot.

On top of that, our tool also allows users to directly and easily initiate enrichment analyses with two complementary tools: Gprofiler and GSEA.

Installation & Quickstart

After cloning the repository, dependencies can be istalled with conda, or if you have R already installed the application can be directly launched.

The github repository include a example file for a quickstart of the application.

More information on the installation can be found here.

Data vizualisation & manipulation

On the sidebar of the application, you can filter your differential expression dataset by deciding on the threshold of log2foldchange and pvalue for the genes. This dynamically changes the display of your dataset. A volcano plot representation is possible.

More information on how to use the application can be found here

Enrichment analyses

Two tools are available inside the application to perform enrichment analyses: Gprofiler & GSEA.

More information about those tools can be found here