diff --git a/Formula/gnirehtet.rb b/Formula/gnirehtet.rb index 33c53136594f..365810e1dc10 100644 --- a/Formula/gnirehtet.rb +++ b/Formula/gnirehtet.rb @@ -1,13 +1,22 @@ class Gnirehtet < Formula desc "Reverse tethering tool for Android" homepage "https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet" - # Try to switch `rustup-init` to `rust` on the next release - url "https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet/archive/v2.5.tar.gz" - sha256 "2b55b56e1b21d1b609a0899fe85d1f311120bb12b04761ec586187338daf6ec5" license "Apache-2.0" revision 1 head "https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet.git", branch: "master" + stable do + url "https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet/archive/v2.5.tar.gz" + sha256 "2b55b56e1b21d1b609a0899fe85d1f311120bb12b04761ec586187338daf6ec5" + + # Fix compilation issue with rust 1.64.0+ + # upstream PR reference, https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet/pull/478 + patch do + url "https://github.com/raw/Homebrew/formula-patches/d62149f/gnirehtet/2.5-rust-1.64.0.patch" + sha256 "bdda0abc50344b14227d880d8257189f49eb586722b6e5fa07f3cb70b442b7a0" + end + end + bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "8e895ff323e648db638a97542eeed9d71936f882c36b95e410bd50a7ff272ffd" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "7fd56faf93c88c65df43599e0dda5c7d3044e6b1dee05ef535d6eff42b558684" @@ -19,7 +28,7 @@ class Gnirehtet < Formula sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "94166648cf3a8a072b85eed7436af2bddbcf5c2dfab939cd79590d4ff2b9a9c3" end - depends_on "rustup-init" => :build + depends_on "rust" => :build depends_on "socat" => :test resource "java_bundle" do @@ -30,12 +39,6 @@ class Gnirehtet < Formula def install resource("java_bundle").stage { libexec.install "gnirehtet.apk" } - # Building the binary with rust 1.64.0 or later results in an error when running `gnirehtet relay`. - # ERROR Main: Execution error: IO error: Address family not supported by protocol family (os error 47) - # Issue ref: https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet/issues/475 - system "rustup-init", "-qy", "--no-modify-path", "--default-toolchain", "1.63.0" - ENV.prepend_path "PATH", HOMEBREW_CACHE/"cargo_cache/bin" - system "cargo", "install", *std_cargo_args(root: libexec, path: "relay-rust") mv "#{libexec}/bin/gnirehtet", "#{libexec}/gnirehtet"