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53期 - Q&A
2012-09-22 13:33
issue57 ubuntu-women

######Compiled by Gord Campbell

If you have Ubuntu-related questions, email them to:, and Gord will answer them in a future issue. Please include as much information as you can about your problem.


#####Q How can I uninstall a program?

A Go to the software centre, search for the name of the application, select it, and click the "uninstall" button.



#####Q How can I install iplist (aka IpBlock) in 11.10.

####11.10中如何安装iplist(aka IpBlock)?

A Use pgl instead, the successor of moblock/blockcontrol/mobloquer.


#####Q I have lost my password. How can I log on?


A (Thanks to bcbc in the Ubuntu Forums.) Boot in recovery mode. You might need to select the third option, "Remount read/write". Then select "root shell prompt." It will put you at a command prompt, type:

passwd [userid]

where [userid] is your userid. In my case, it's gord. Enter your new password twice, then it should say your password was updated. Enter the command:


Select "Resume normal boot," and you should be able to use the password you just created.

Those of you concerned about security should note that this method provides anyone (who has physical access to your computer) complete access to all the programs and unencrypted data.

(感谢ubuntu论坛的bcbc.)使用recovery模式启动Ubuntu。你可能需要选择第三个选项“Remount read/write”,然后接着选择“root shell prompt”。之后就会出现命令提示符,接着你就可以输入:

passwd [你的用户名]



选择“Resume normal boot”,然后你就可以用你刚才设置的密码登录了。关心安全的读者要注意这种方式可以给任何可以物理的接触到你计算机的人完全的访问权限,包括你的数据和程序。

#####Q Will Microsoft Office Professional 2010 work under Wine?

#####Microsoft Office Professional 2010可以在wine下运行吗?

A Yes, with Wine version 1.32. See this for full instructions:

是的,Wine 1.32版本可以。你可以在下面的地址找到完整的描述:

#####Q Running DVDstyler fails with a segmentation fault in Ubuntu 11.10.

####Ubuntu中运行DVDstyler出现segmentation fault错误。

A (Thanks to Rattus Norvegicus in the Ubuntu Forums) It works fine under Gnome Classic.

(感谢Ubuntu论坛的Rattus Norvegicus)DVDstyler在Gnome Classic模式中可以很好运行。

#####Q Using Ubuntu 11.10, how can I get my Firefox bookmarks over to a new machine? They've taken out the Backup/Restore using a .json file.

####我现在用的是Ubuntu 10.10,我要如何做将Firefox书签转移到另外一台机器上面?他们已经使用“导入和备份”生成了.json文件。

A Open "Show All Bookmarks." Now, move your mouse up to the left half of the top panel, and "import and backup" will appear.


#####Q I installed Xubuntu 11.10 on my desktop. In live mode, it showed my hard drive partitions on the desktop as icons, but, once installed, the mounted partitions are not shown on the desktop. Why?

####我在台式机上安装了Xubuntu 10.10。在live模式下,我的硬盘分区图标可以显示在桌面上,但是安装好之后却显示不出来了。这是为什么呀?

A The LiveCD is run from CD or USB, so hard disk partitions are viewed as external. For a hard disk-based OS, partitions are internal. Only external media appear on the desktop.


#####Q As far as I can make out, Oneiric does not work with Intel GMA500 video?

####据我所知,Oneiric好像没法在Intel GMA500的机器上运行。

A Have a look at


#####Q Is Avidemux available in the Ubuntu 11.10 repositories yet? It wasn't when 11.10 was first released.

####Ubuntu 10.10的软件远中有Avidemux这个软件吗?10.10刚发布时好像是找不到的。

A (Thanks to linuxman94 in the Ubuntu Forums) Yes, it is. For future reference, you can check what repos packages are in by searching in Note that you might need to search through all three of oneiric, oneiric-updates, and oneiric-backports.

(感谢Ubuntu论坛的linuxman94)这个软件是有的。更多信息你可以在http://packages.ubuntu.com中搜索软件包信息。注意你可能要搜索三个包:oneiric, oneiric-updates, 和oneiric-backports

#####Q I am trying to install Drupal. "sudo apt-get install drupal7" said the package is not found.

####我尝试安装Drupal,运行sudo apt-get install drupal7提示无法找到软件包。

A Even the latest version of Ubuntu still has Drupal6 in its repositories, while 7.10 is available at


#####Q I have a hot new system with an MSI Z68A-G45 (UEFI) motherboard and i7-2600k CPU. Several versions of Ubuntu all hang at the same place early on in the boot, just after detecting USB pen drive or USB hid, when booting from CD.

####我有一台MSI Z68A-G45 (UEFI)主板,i7-2600k处理器的全新机器。好几个版本的Ubuntu启动时,如果检测到有USB驱动器或者USB hid设备,就停在这个地方动不了。

A (Thanks to Trevelyon in the Ubuntu Forums) I used the nomodeset noacpi options and the installation CD comes up. Also had to add them (after installation) to boot from the SSD.

(感谢Ubuntu论坛的Trevelyon)出现启动画面是使用nomodeset noacpi模式就可以了。安装好之后,如果是从SSd启动,也要添加这个选项。

#####Q I downloaded the Ubuntu 10.04.3 32-bit desktop ISO, then used Startup Disk Creator to make a bootable USB stick to install Ubuntu on several other computers. When I boot from it, I get "Boot Error" on a blank black screen. #####Q 我下载了Ubuntu 10.04 32位的iso,然后用 Startup Disk Creator制作USB启动盘在其他几台电脑上安装了Ubuntu。当从USB启动盘启动时,黑色屏幕上显示“Boot Error”

A Try using Unetbootin to create your USB stick, and if that fails, burn a CD. A 尝试用Unetbootin制作USB启动盘,如果还不行的话,刻张光盘吧。

#####Q I'm using Ubuntu 11.10. I recently installed gtkpod to upload songs to my classic iPod. When I open gtkpod, it just has a blank screen - the iPod is nowhere to be found. It shows up in the places list and the audacious music player.

#####Q 我一直都在用Ubuntu 11.10。我最近安装了gtkpod往我的iPod classic上传音乐。打开gtkpod时,显示只有一片空白-什么地方都找不到iPod的身影。但是我在“位置”列表和audacious播放器里却能看到iPod.

A (Thanks to sasasas in the Ubuntu Forums) I installed Amarok. GTKpod would have been nice as it has the ability to remove duplicates.

A (感谢Ubuntu论坛的sasasas)我安装了Amarok。如果有删除重复项目的需求,GTKpod会是很不错的选择。

Tips and Techniques New Technology, 2012 Edition


New technology always causes disruptions, and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is no exception. For now, UEFI appears to be replacing or supplementing the BIOS on high-end desktop systems, but you can expect it to spread throughout the industry over the next couple of years. If you're thinking of buying a new computer, you should check on the current state of support for its various features before you buy.

先技术经常会导致分裂,UEFI(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)也不例外。从现在开始,UEFI在高端台式系统上渐渐显示出替代BIOS的趋势,可以预见,接下来的几十年,UEFI会在计算机工业中普及开来。如果你正在考虑买一台新电脑,买之前最好确认下其对新特性的支持情况。

UEFI supports hard drives larger than 2 TB, and brings graphics and the mouse to the power-on interface. It also opens up a lot of potential for the future, which was not possible with the 16-bit, 1 MB limits of the BIOS. The large hard drives use another new technology, GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) Partition Table, or GPT, instead of the old MBR partition table.

UEFI支持大雨2TB的硬盘,并且可以在开机界面提供图形和鼠标支持。同时还会带来许多在16bit时代不可能的潜在新特性,当时的BIOS大小被限制在1MB。超大硬盘使用另外一种技术,GUID(Globally Unique Identifier) 分区表或者GPT代替MBR分区表。

The other hot new technology is Solid State "Disks" (SSD), which cause their own disruptions.


The combination led Antti Kirjavainen, who logs on as Ubutuxer, to ask this question in the Ubuntu Forums: "is it possible to get Ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04 to boot from an SSD connected to an Asus P8H61-I motherboard?" Three days later, he posted the solution!

同时使用这两种新技术的Ubuntu用户Antti Kirjavainen在Ubuntu论坛上提问:“Ubuntu 11.10或者12.04是否可以从连接在Asus P8H61-I主板上的SSD启动?”三天前,他给出了解决方案。

In his first post, Kirjavainen explained that he could boot from a USB stick, and install Ubuntu onto the SSD, but when he booted the installed system it yielded a black screen with a blinking cursor.


Oldfred, Zensov and Robgill commented on the question, then Kirjavainen gave the solution. In his (slightly edited) words:

Oldfred, Zensov和Robgill回答了上面的问题,然后Kirjavainen给出了答案。他说(有少量编辑):

  1. GPT partitioning seemed to be a problem for the Ubuntu installer. I took the SSD out of the PC, plugged it into another PC with a SATA-to-USB adapter, and created a normal partition table on it without any of the non-working GPT crap. I created the partitions as follows (with cfdisk, gparted also works):

1: FAT 32 partition for the EFI bootloader. I set this to 500 MB size and formatted it with mkfs.vfat. 2: / (root) partition (ext4). 3: /home partition (ext4).

I use no swap on computers like this, that have 16 to 32 GB of RAM.

1)Ubuntu安装器处理GPT分区好像有问题。我把SSD从电脑上取下来,然后通过SATA-to-USB转接器插到另外一台电脑上,然后使用支持的软件在上面创建了非GPT分区。我用如下命令创建分区(我用的是cfdisk, gparted也可以): 1:EFI bootloader使用的FAT 32分区。大小设置为500MB并使用mkfs.vfat进行格式化。 2:/ (root) 分区 (ext4). 3:/home 分区(ext4).

  1. I kept the SSD plugged to the other PC with the SATA-to-USB adapter and mounted the boot partition. I created a folder efi/grub under it with the command "mkdir -p efi/grub".

2)SSD还使用SATA-to-USB转接器插在另外一台电脑上并且挂载启动分区。使用"mkdir -p efi/grub"明亮在上面创建efi/grub目录。

  1. Now the disk was ready for installation. I put the SSD back in the new PC, booted up Ubuntu installation from the USB stick and installed it as usual, formatting / and /home as ext4 in the process.




The PC boots in about 10-15 seconds, as you'd expect from an SSD. The network card on this motherboard works on Ubuntu 11.10 out-of-the-box as well. 10.04 doesn't seem to recognise it, 11.04 I'm not sure.


My advice to others reading Ubuntu's EFI/UEFI instructions:

Do NOT start recompiling Grub or other more complicated stuff. It is completely unnecessary.

The instructions are outdated for 11.10 and just creating the FAT partition with a folder efi/grub is enough for Ubuntu to automatically recognise and install the bootloader there. Ubuntu 11.10 already has a working GRUB for EFI systems, you do NOT need to compile one yourself, at least not for the Asus EZ.

So, in short: create the partitions on a non-EFI system, mkdir 2 folders and install. If I only knew from the start that it was this simple....



上面的创建fat分区并在其中创建efi/grub让Ubuntu自动识别在 11.10中已经过时了。Ubuntu 11.10现在的GRUB在EFI上已经可以正常工作了,不需要自己编译了GRUB,至少Asus EZ主板上没问题。


After a long career in the computer industry, including a stint as editor of Computing Canada and Computer Dealer News, Gord is now more-or-less retired.

Gord在计算机行业干了很久,包括Computing Canada和Computer Dealer News中干了一段时间的编辑,现在Gord基本上处于退休状态了。