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Observations types

There are two types of algorithms in this repository:

  1. the ones that can work with both image and vector observations.
  2. The ones that can work with only vector observations.

In the first case, the observations are returned in the form of python dictionary, whereas in the second case, the observations are returned as 1-dimensional arrays or 3/4-dimensional arrays for grayscale/RGB or stacked images, respectively.

Both observations

The algorithms that can work with both image and vector observations are specified in Table 1 in the README, and are reported here:

  • A2C
  • PPO
  • PPO Recurrent
  • SAC-AE
  • Dreamer-V1
  • Dreamer-V2
  • Dreamer-V3
  • Plan2Explore (Dreamer-V1)
  • Plan2Explore (Dreamer-V2)
  • Plan2Explore (Dreamer-V3)

To run one of these algorithms, it is necessary to specify which observations to use: it is possible to select all the vector observations or only some of them or none of them. Moreover, you can select all/some/none of the image observations. You just need to pass the algo.mlp_keys and algo.cnn_keys of the encoder and the decoder to the script to select the vector observations and the image observations, respectively.


The algo.mlp_keys and the algo.cnn_keys specified for the encoder are used by default as algo.mlp_keys and algo.cnn_keys of the decoder, respectively.


We recommend reading this to know how the encoder and decoder work with more observations.

For instance, to train the ppo algorithm on the doapp task provided by DIAMBRA using image observations and only the opp_health and own_health as vector observation, you have to run the following command:

diambra run python exp=ppo env=diambra env.num_envs=1 algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[frame] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[opp_health,own_health]


By default the algo.mlp_keys and algo.cnn_keys arguments are set to [] (empty list), so no observations are selected for the training. This will raise an exception: if fact, every algorithm must specify at least one of them.

It is important to know the observations the environment provides, for instance, the DIAMBRA environments provide both vector observations and image observations, whereas all the atari environments provide only the image observations.


For some environments provided by Gymnasium, e.g. LunarLander-v2 or CartPole-v1, only vector observations are returned, but it is possible to extract the image observation from the render. To do this, it is sufficient to specify the rgb key to the algo.cnn_keys args: python exp=... algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[rgb]

Frame Stack

For image observations, it is possible to stack the last $n$ observations with the argument frame_stack. All the observations specified in the algo.cnn_keys argument are stacked.

python exp=... env=dmc algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[rgb] env.frame_stack=3

How to choose the correct keys

When the environment provides both the vector and image observations, you just need to specify which observations you want to use with the algo.mlp_keys and algo.cnn_keys, respectively.

Instead, for those environments that natively do not support both types of observations, we provide a method to obtain the image observations from the vector observations (NOT VICE VERSA). It means that if you choose an environment with only vector observations, you can get also the image observations, but if you choose an environment with only image observations, you cannot get the vector observations.

There can be three possible scenarios:

  1. You do not want to use the image observations: you don't have to specify any algo.cnn_keys while you have to select the algo.mlp_keys:
    1. if the environment provides more than one vector observation, then you must choose between them;
    2. if the environment provides only one vector observation, you can choose the name of the mlp key.
  2. You want to use only the image observation: you don't have to specify any algo.mlp_keys while you must specify the name of the cnn key (if the image observation has to be created from the vector one, the make_env function will automatically bind the observation with the specified key, otherwise you must choose a valid one).
  3. You want to use both the vector and image observations: you must specify the cnn key (as point 2). Instead, for the vector observations, you have two possibilities:
    1. if the environment provides more than one vector observation, then you must choose between them;
    2. if the environment provides only one vector observation, you can choose the name of the mlp key.

Different observations for the Encoder and the Decoder

You can specify different observations for the encoder and the decoder, but there are some constraints:

  1. The mlp and cnn keys of the decoder must be contained in the mlp and cnn keys of the decoder respectively.
  2. Both the intersections between the mlp and cnn keys of the encoder and decoder cannot be empty.

You can specify the mlp and cnn keys of the decoder as follows:

python exp=dreamer_v3 env=minerl algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[life_stats,inventory,max_inventory] algo.mlp_keys.decoder=[life_stats,inventory]

Vector observations algorithms

The algorithms that work with only vector observations are reported here:

  • SAC
  • Droq

For any of them you must select only the environments that provide vector observations. For instance, you can train the SAC algorithm on the LunarLanderContinuous-v2 environment, but you cannot train it on the CarRacing-v2 environment.

For these algorithms, you have to specify the mlp keys you want to encode. As usual, you have to specify them through the mlp_keys.encoder and mlp_keys.decoder arguments (in the command or the configs).

For instance, you can train a SAC agent on the LunarLanderContinuous-v2 with the following command:

python exp=sac env=gym algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[state]

Get Observation Space

It is possible to retrieve the observation space of a specific environment to easily select the observation keys you want to use in your training.

python examples/ env=... agent=dreamer_v3 algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[...] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[...]

or for DIAMBRA environments:

diambra run python examples/ env=diambra agent=dreamer_v3

The env argument is the same one you use for training your agent, so it refers to the config folder sheeprl/configs/env, moreover you can override the environment id and modify its parameters, such as the frame stack or whether or not to use grayscale observations. You can modify the parameters as usual by specifying them as cli arguments:

python examples/ env=atari agent=dreamer_v3 env.frame_stack=5 env.grayscale=True algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[frame]


You can try to override some cnn or mlp keys by specifying the algo.cnn_keys.encoder and the algo.mlp_keys.encoder arguments. Not all environments allow it.

For instance, the python examples/ env=gym agent=dreamer_v3 algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[custom_cnn_key] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[custom_mlp_key] command will return the following observation space:

 Observation space of `LunarLander-v2` environment for `dreamer_v3` agent:
    'custom_mlp_key': Box([-1.5, -1.5, -5., -5., -3.1415927, -5., -0., -0.], [1.5, 1.5, 5., 5., 3.1415927, 5., 1., 1.], (8,), float32), 
    'custom_cnn_key': Box(0, 255, (3, 64, 64), uint8)