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Screen Space Rendering Details

Patrick Cozzi edited this page Jun 16, 2015 · 21 revisions

Design and implementation ideas for our screen-space rendering algorithms.


  • Scriptable like Fabric.
  • Chain together multiple filters to create an effect, e.g., bloom.
    • Create chains using other chains as building blocks (also like Fabric).
    • Pool or minimize intermediate textures.
  • Full-screen or custom size.
  • Tweak uniforms, e.g., brightness.
  • Read from color and depth.
    • Name textures earlier in the pipeline and access them as input by name, e.g., a glow map or velocity buffer. For example, perhaps cesium://textures/velocity, cesium://textures/myLight/depthMap, cesium://cubemaps/skybox, etc.
    • Read different resolutions?
  • Render anywhere in the pipeline, not just at the end.
  • A built-in set of common filters.

Example Filter Scripts

Using a single built-in filter:

  "type" : "brightness",
  "uniforms" : {
    "amount" : 1.2

Creating a new filter:

  "type" : "red",
  "source" : "czm_Filter czm_getFilter(czm_FilterInput filterInput) { czm_Filter f = agi_getDefaultFilter(filterInput); f.color = vec4(texture2D(filterInput.color,, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); return f; }"

In GLSL, czm_FilterInput and czm_Filter are structs with the following definition:

struct czm_FilterInput
  sampler2D color;
  vec2 colorStep; // 1.0 / (width, height)
  sampler2D depth;
  vec2 depthStep; // 1.0 / (width, height)
  vec2 st;

struct czm_Filter
  vec4 color;

All filters must implement the GLSL function, czm_getFilter. The most trivial implementation, which just passes the input through, is:

czm_Filter czm_getFilter(czm_FilterInput filterInput)
  return agi_getDefaultFilter(filterInput);

Here is another new filter, this time with uniforms:

  "type" : "channels",
  "uniforms" : {
    "mask" : {
      r : 1.0,
      g : 1.0,
      b : 0.0,
      a : 1.0
  "source" : "czm_Filter czm_getFilter(czm_FilterInput filterInput) { czm_Filter f = agi_getDefaultFilter(filterInput); f.color = texture2D(filterInput.color, * mask; return f; }"

Example Filter Chain Scripts

Chaining together a Sobel edge detection filter and quantization to create a toon filter:

  type : "toon",
  filters : {
    sobelPass : {
      "type" : "SobelEdgeDetect"
    quantizePass : {
      "type" : "Quantize"
  chain : [

TODO: connect input and output? Perhaps explicitly name them. TODO: Need to explicitly name filters in a chain to access from several passes ago?

Adding Filters to the Pipeline


Built-in Filters

Color Buffer only

  • Night vision. (simple algorithm. Game Engine Gems 2, Chapter 3).
  • Luminance (Graphics Shaders, Page 203. Orange Book, Page 534)
  • Brightness (Graphics Shaders, Page 233. Orange Book, Page 537)
  • Contrast (Graphics Shaders, Page 234. Orange Book, Page 538)
  • Hue Shifting (Graphics Shaders, Page 207)
  • Edge Detection (Graphics Shaders, Page 220. Orange Book, Page 552)
  • Toon Shading (Graphics Shaders, Page 223)
  • Gaussian Blur (RTR, Page 468. Graphics Shaders, Page 210. Orange Book, Page 549)
  • Bloom (GPU Pro, Page 551. GPU Pro 2, Page 296. RTR Page 482. Tutorial)
  • Glare (Programming Vertex Geometry and Pixel Shaders, Page 399)
  • Watercolor (GPU Pro, Page 557) - edge detect following by smoothing
  • 8-Bit (GPU Pro, Page 557)
  • Kuwahara filter (GPU Pro, Page 247)
  • Gamma Correction (RTR, Page 141)
  • Erosion

Depth Buffer

  • Depth of Field (Programming Vertex Geometry and Pixel Shaders, Page 406. GPU Gems, Chapter 23. RTR, Page 486. GPU Pro, Page 315. )
  • SSAO (RTR, Page 382. Programming Vertex Geometry and Pixel Shaders, Page 79. GPU Pro, Page 215. GPU Pro 2, Page 123)
  • Fog (RTR, Page 496)

