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CZML Content

kring edited this page May 2, 2012 · 28 revisions

This page describes the possible content of a CZML document or stream. Please read CZML Structure for an explanation of how a CZML document is put together.

NOTE: This is a work in progress and reflects our plans NOT our current capabilities.


Specifies the position of the object in the world. The position has no direct visual representation, but it is used to locate billboards, labels, and other primitives attached to the object.

Property Name: position

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope JSON Description
referenceFrame Interval string The reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are FIXED and INERTIAL. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is FIXED.
cartesian Interval array The position specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in the meters relative to the referenceFrame. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartographicRadians Interval array The position specified as a WGS 84 Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartographicDegrees Interval array The position specified as a WGS 84 Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


  "id": "MyObject",
  "position": { "cartographicDegrees": [-75.0, 40.0, 0.0] }
  "id": "InternationalSpaceStation",
  "position": {
    "referenceFrame": "INERTIAL",
    "epoch": "2012-05-02T12:00:00Z",
    "cartesian": [
      0.0, -6668447.2211117, 1201886.45913705, 146789.427467256,
      60.0, -6711432.84684144, 919677.673492462, -214047.552431458,
      90.0, -6721319.92231553, 776899.784034099, -394198.837519575,
      150.0, -6717826.447064, 488820.628328182, -752924.980158179,
      180.0, -6704450.41462847, 343851.784836767, -931084.800346031,
      240.0, -6654518.44949696, 52891.726433174, -1283967.69137678,
    "nextTime", 300.0,
    "interpolationAlgorithm", "LAGRANGE",
    "interpolationDegree", 5

Vertex Positions

Specifies the world-space positions of vertices. The vertex positions have no direct visual representation, but they are used to define polygons, polylines, and other objects attached to the object.


Specifies the orientation of the object in the world. The orientation has no direct visual representation, but it is used to orient models, cones, and pyramids attached to the object.


Defines a billboard, or viewport-aligned image. The billboard is positioned in the scene by the position property. A billboard is sometimes called a marker. The billboard property is primarily a container for other properties.

Property Name: billboard

Interpolatable: no


The color of the billboard. This color value is multiplied with the values of the billboard's image to produce the final color.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope JSON Description
rgba Interval array The position specified as a color [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range from 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The position specified as a color [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range from 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


The eye offset of the billboard, which is the offset in eye coordinates at which to place the billboard relative to the position property. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where the X-axis points toward the viewer's right, the Y-axis poitns up, and the Z-axis points into the screen.

Property Name: eyeOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope JSON Description
cartesian Interval array The eye offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in eye coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


Defines a point, or viewport-aligned circle. The point is positioned in the scene by the position property.


Defines a string of text. The label is positioned in the scene by the position property.


Defines a polyline, which is a line in the scene composed of multiple segments. The vertices of the polyline are specified by the vertexPositions property.


Defines a path, which is a polyline defined by the motion of an object over time. The possible vertices of the path are specified by the position property.


Defines a polygon, which is a closed figure on the surface of the Earth. The vertices of the polygon are specified by the vertexPositions property.


Defines a cone. A cone starts at a point or apex and extends in a circle of directions which all have the same angular separation from the Z-axis of the object to which the cone is attached. The cone may be capped at a radial limit, it may have an inner hole, and it may be only a part of a complete cone defined by clock angle limits. The apex point of the cone is defined by the position property and extends in the direction of the Z-axis as defined by the orientation property.


Defines a pyramid. A pyramid starts at a point or apex and extends in a specified list of directions from the apex. Each pair of directions forms a face of the pyramid. The pyramid may be capped at a radial limit.


Defines imagery to be drawn on the surface of the Earth.


Layers define the hierarchical relationship among objects.