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CZML Content

Hannah edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 28 revisions

This page describes the possible content of a CZML document or stream. Please read CZML Structure for an explanation of how a CZML document is put together.

NOTE: This is a work in progress and reflects our plans NOT our current capabilities.


The ID of the object described by this packet. IDs do not need to be GUIDs, but they do need to uniquely identify a single object within a CZML source and any other CZML sources loaded into the same scope. If this property is not specified, the client will automatically generate a unique one. However, this prevents later packets from referring to this object in order to, for example, add more data to it.

Property Name: id

Interpolatable: no


The name of the object. It does not have to be unique and is intended for user consumption.

Property Name: name

Interpolatable: no


The ID of the parent object or folder.

Property Name: parent

Interpolatable: no


An HTML description of the object.

Property Name: description

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
string Interval string The string value.
reference Interval string A reference property.


When data for an object is available. If data for an object is known to be available at the current animation time, but the client does not yet have that data (presumably because it will arrive in a later packet), the client will pause with a message like "Buffering..." while it waits to receive the data. The property can be a single string specifying a single interval, or an array of strings representing intervals. A later Cesium packet can update this availability if it changes or is found to be incorrect. For example, an SGP4 propagator may report availability for all time, but then later the propagator throws an exception and the availability needs to be adjusted. If this optional property is not present, the object is assumed to be available for all time. Availability is scoped to a particular CZML stream, so two different streams can list different availability for a single object. Within a single stream, the last availability stated for an object is the one in effect and any availabilities in previous packets are ignored. If an object is available at a time, the client expects the object to have at least one property, and it expects all properties that it needs to be defined at that time. If the object doesn't have any properties, or a needed property is defined but not at the animation time, the client will pause animation and wait for more data.

Property Name: availability

Interpolatable: no


The position of the object in the world. The position has no direct visual representation, but it is used to locate billboards, labels, and other primitives attached to the object.

Property Name: position

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
referenceFrame Interval string The reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are "FIXED" and "INERTIAL". In addition, the value of this property can be a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID of another object in the same scope whose "position" and "orientation" properties define the reference frame in which this position is defined. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is "FIXED".
cartesian Interval array The position represented as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] in the meters relative to the referenceFrame. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartographicRadians Interval array The position represented as a WGS 84 Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartographicDegrees Interval array The position reprsented as a WGS 84 Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartesianVelocity Interval array The position and velocity represented as two Cartesians [X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ] in the meters relative to the referenceFrame. If the array has six elements, the position is constant. If it has seven or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


  "id": "MyObject",
  "position": { "cartographicDegrees": [-75.0, 40.0, 0.0] }
  "id": "InternationalSpaceStation",
  "position": {
    "referenceFrame": "INERTIAL",
    "epoch": "2012-05-02T12:00:00Z",
    "cartesian": [
      0.0, -6668447.2211117, 1201886.45913705, 146789.427467256,
      60.0, -6711432.84684144, 919677.673492462, -214047.552431458,
      90.0, -6721319.92231553, 776899.784034099, -394198.837519575,
      150.0, -6717826.447064, 488820.628328182, -752924.980158179,
      180.0, -6704450.41462847, 343851.784836767, -931084.800346031,
      240.0, -6654518.44949696, 52891.726433174, -1283967.69137678
    "nextTime": 300.0,
    "interpolationAlgorithm": "LAGRANGE",
    "interpolationDegree": 5


A billboard, or viewport-aligned image. The billboard is positioned in the scene by the position property. A billboard is sometimes called a marker.

Property Name: billboard

Interpolatable: no


The color of the billboard. This color value is multiplied with the values of the billboard's "image" to produce the final color.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The eye offset of the billboard, which is the offset in eye coordinates at which to place the billboard relative to the position property. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where the X-axis points toward the viewer's right, the Y-axis points up, and the Z-axis points into the screen.

Property Name: eyeOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian Interval array The eye offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in eye coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The horizontal origin of the billboard. It controls whether the billboard image is left-, center-, or right-aligned with the position.

Property Name: horizontalOrigin

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
horizontalOrigin Interval string The horizontal origin. Valid values are "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".
reference Interval string A reference property.


The image displayed on the billboard, expressed as a URL. For broadest client compatibility, the URL should be accessible via Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). The URL may also be a data URI.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.


The offset, in viewport pixels, of the billboard origin from the position. A pixel offset is the number of pixels up and to the right to place the billboard, relative to the position.

Property Name: pixelOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The pixel offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y] in viewport coordinates in pixels, where X is pixels to the right and Y is pixels up. If the array has two elements, the pixel offset is constant. If it has three or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The scale of the billboard. The scale is multiplied with the pixel size of the billboard's image. For example, if the scale is 2.0, the billboard will be rendered with twice the number of pixels, in each direction, of the image.

Property Name: scale

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The rotation of the billboard offset from the alignedAxes.

Property Name: rotation

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The aligned axis is the unit vector, in world coordinates, that the billboard up vector points towards. The default is the zero vector, which means the billboard is aligned to the screen up vector.

Property Name: alignedAxis

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian Interval array The axis specified as a unit Cartesian [X, Y, Z] in world coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Whether or not the billboard is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The vertical origin of the billboard. It controls whether the billboard image is bottom-, center-, or top-aligned with the position.

Property Name: verticalOrigin

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
verticalOrigin Interval string The vertical origin. Valid values are "BOTTOM", "CENTER", and "TOP".
reference Interval string A reference property.


The orientation of the object in the world. The orientation has no direct visual representation, but it is used to orient models, cones, and pyramids attached to the object.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
axes Interval string TODO
unitQuaternion Interval array TODO
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


A point, or viewport-aligned circle. The point is positioned in the scene by the position property.

Property Name: point

Interpolatable: no


The color of the point.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The color of the outline of the point.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the outline of the point.

Property Name: outlineWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The size of the point, in pixels.

Property Name: pixelSize

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Whether or not the point is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


A string of text. The label is positioned in the scene by the position property.

Property Name: label

Interpolatable: no


The eye offset of the label, which is the offset in eye coordinates at which to place the label relative to the position property. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where the X-axis points toward the viewer's right, the Y-axis points up, and the Z-axis points into the screen.

Property Name: eyeOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian Interval array The eye offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in eye coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The fill color of the label.

Property Name: fillColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The font to use for the label.

Property Name: font

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
font Interval string The font.
reference Interval string A reference property.


The horizontal origin of the label. It controls whether the label is left-, center-, or right-aligned with the position.

Property Name: horizontalOrigin

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
horizontalOrigin Interval string The horizontal origin. Valid values are "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".
reference Interval string A reference property.


The outline color of the label.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The outline width of the label.

Property Name: outlineWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The offset, in viewport pixels, of the label origin from the position. A pixel offset is the number of pixels up and to the right to place the label, relative to the position.

Property Name: pixelOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The pixel offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y] in viewport coordinates in pixels, where X is pixels to the right and Y is pixels up. If the array has two elements, the pixel offset is constant. If it has three or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The scale of the label. The scale is multiplied with the pixel size of the label's text. For example, if the scale is 2.0, the label will be rendered with twice the number of pixels, in each direction, of the text.

Property Name: scale

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Whether or not the label is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.

The style of the label.

Property Name: style

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
labelStyle Interval string The label style. Valid values are "FILL", "OUTLINE", and "FILL_AND_OUTLINE".
reference Interval string A reference property.


The text displayed by the label.

Property Name: text

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
string Interval string The string value.
reference Interval string A reference property.


The vertical origin of the label. It controls whether the label image is bottom-, center-, or top-aligned with the position.

Property Name: verticalOrigin

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
verticalOrigin Interval string The vertical origin. Valid values are "BOTTOM", "CENTER", and "TOP".
reference Interval string A reference property.


A polyline, which is a line in the scene composed of multiple segments.

Property Name: polyline

Interpolatable: no


The array of positions defining the polyline as a line strip.

Property Name: positions

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
referenceFrame Interval string The reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are "FIXED" and "INERTIAL". In addition, the value of this property can be a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID of another object in the same scope whose "position" and "orientation" properties define the reference frame in which this position is defined. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is "FIXED".
cartesian Interval array The list of positions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...] in the meters relative to the referenceFrame.
cartographicRadians Interval array The list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters.
cartographicDegrees Interval array The list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters.
references Interval array The list of positions specified as references. Each reference is to a property that defines a single position, possible as it changes with time.

Whether or not the polyline is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use to draw the polyline.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Colors the line with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a color and outline.

Property Name: polylineOutline

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The color of the surface outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The width of the outline.

Property Name: outlineWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a glowing color.

Property Name: polylineGlow

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The strength of the glow.

Property Name: glowPower

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the polyline.

Property Name: width

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the positions are connected as great arcs (the default) or as straight lines.

Property Name: followSurface

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


A path, which is a polyline defined by the motion of an object over time. The possible vertices of the path are specified by the position property.

Property Name: path

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the path is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use to draw the path.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Colors the line with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a color and outline.

Property Name: polylineOutline

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The color of the surface outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The width of the outline.

Property Name: outlineWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a glowing color.

Property Name: polylineGlow

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The strength of the glow.

Property Name: glowPower

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the path line.

Property Name: width

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The maximum step-size, in seconds, used to sample the path. If the position property has data points farther apart than resolution specfies, additional steps will be taken, creating a smoother path.

Property Name: resolution

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The time ahead of the animation time, in seconds, to show the path.

Property Name: leadTime

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The time behind the animation time, in seconds, to show the path.

Property Name: trailTime

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


A polygon, which is a closed figure on the surface of the Earth.

Property Name: polygon

Interpolatable: no


The array of positions defining a simple polygon.

Property Name: positions

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
referenceFrame Interval string The reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are "FIXED" and "INERTIAL". In addition, the value of this property can be a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID of another object in the same scope whose "position" and "orientation" properties define the reference frame in which this position is defined. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is "FIXED".
cartesian Interval array The list of positions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...] in the meters relative to the referenceFrame.
cartographicRadians Interval array The list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters.
cartographicDegrees Interval array The list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters.
references Interval array The list of positions specified as references. Each reference is to a property that defines a single position, possible as it changes with time.

Whether or not the polygon is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use to fill the polygon.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The height of the polygon when perPositionHeight is false.

Property Name: height

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The extruded height of the polygon.

Property Name: extrudedHeight

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The sampling distance, in radians.

Property Name: granularity

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The rotation of any applied texture.

Property Name: stRotation

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the polygon is filled.

Property Name: fill

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not the polygon is outlined.

Property Name: outline

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the polygon outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether to use the height of each position to define the polygon or a constant height above the surface.

Property Name: perPositionHeight

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


An ellipsoid, which is a closed quadric surface that is a three dimensional analogue of an ellipse. The ellipsoid is positioned and oriented using the position and orientation properties.

Property Name: ellipsoid

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the ellipsoid is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The dimensions of the ellipsoid.

Property Name: radii

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian Interval array The radii as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] in meters. If the array has three elements, the radii are constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the ellipsoid is filled.

Property Name: fill

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to display on the surface of the ellipsoid.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the ellipsoid is outlined.

Property Name: outline

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the ellipsoid outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The number of times to partition the ellipsoid into stacks.

Property Name: stackPartitions

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The number of times to partition the ellipsoid into radial slices.

Property Name: slicePartitions

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The number of points per outline line, determining the granularity of the curvature.

Property Name: subdivisions

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


A suggested camera location when viewing this object. The property is specified as a Cartesian position in the East (x), North (y), Up (z) reference frame relative to the objects position property.

Property Name: viewFrom

Interpolatable: no


A 3D model. The model is positioned and oriented using the position and orientation properties.

Property Name: model

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the model is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The scale of the model.

Property Name: scale

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The approximate minimum pixel size of the model regardless of zoom.

Property Name: minimumPixelSize

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The URL of a glTF model.

Property Name: gltf

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.


An ellipse, which is a closed curve on the surface of the Earth. The ellipse is positioned using the position property.

Property Name: ellipse

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the ellipse is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The length of the ellipse's semi-major axis in meters.

Property Name: semiMajorAxis

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The length of the ellipse's semi-minor axis in meters.

Property Name: semiMinorAxis

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The angle from north (counter-clockwise) in radians.

Property Name: rotation

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The material to use to fill the ellipse.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The height of the ellipse when perPositionHeight is false.

Property Name: height

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The extruded height of the ellipse.

Property Name: extrudedHeight

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The sampling distance, in radians.

Property Name: granularity

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The rotation of any applied texture coordinates.

Property Name: stRotation

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the ellipse is filled.

Property Name: fill

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not the ellipse is outlined.

Property Name: outline

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the ellipse outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The number of vertical lines to use when outlining an extruded ellipse.

Property Name: numberOfVerticalLines

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The clock settings for the entire data set. Only valid on the document object.

Property Name: clock

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
currentTime Interval string The current time.
multiplier Interval number The multiplier, which in TICK_DEPENDENT mode is the number of seconds to advance each tick. In SYSTEM_CLOCK_DEPENDENT mode, it is the multiplier applied to the amount of time elapsed between ticks. This value is ignored in SYSTEM_CLOCK mode.
range Interval string The behavior of a clock when its current time reaches its start or end points. Valid values are 'UNBOUNDED', 'CLAMPED', and 'LOOP_STOP'.
step Interval string Defines how a clock steps in time. Valid values are 'SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'SYSTEM_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER', and 'TICK_DEPENDENT'.


The CZML version being written. Only valid on the document object.

Property Name: version

Interpolatable: no


A conical sensor volume taking into account occlusion of an ellipsoid, i.e., the globe.

Note: This type is an extension and may not be implemented by all CZML clients.

Property Name: agi_conicSensor

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the cone is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The inner half angle of the cone.

Property Name: innerHalfAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The outer half angle of the cone.

Property Name: outerHalfAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The minimum clock angle limit of the cone.

Property Name: minimumClockAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The maximum clock angle limit of the cone.

Property Name: maximumClockAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The radial limit of the cone.

Property Name: radius

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersection of the cone with the Earth is shown.

Property Name: showIntersection

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the intersection of the cone with the Earth.

Property Name: intersectionColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the intersection in pixels.

Property Name: intersectionWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersections of the cone with the earth are shown.

Property Name: showLateralSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not lateral surfaces are shown.

Property Name: lateralSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the cone's ellipsoid surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid horizon surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidHorizonSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the cone's ellipsoid horizon surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidHorizonSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not dome surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showDomeSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the cone's dome.

Property Name: domeSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed.

Property Name: portionToDisplay

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
portionToDisplay Interval string Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed. Valid values are "COMPLETE", "BELOW_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON", "ABOVE_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON".
reference Interval string A reference property.


A custom sensor volume taking into account occlusion of an ellipsoid, i.e., the globe.

Note: This type is an extension and may not be implemented by all CZML clients.

Property Name: agi_customPatternSensor

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the pyramid is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The list of directions defining the pyramid.

Property Name: directions

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
spherical Interval array The list of directions represented as a clock angle, a cone angle, both in radians, and magnitude in meters. The clock angle is measured in the XY plane from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. The cone angle is the angle from the positive Z axis toward the negative Z axis.
unitSpherical Interval array The list of directions represented as a clock angle and a cone angle, both in radians. The clock angle is measured in the XY plane from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. The cone angle is the angle from the positive Z axis toward the negative Z axis.
cartesian Interval array The list of directions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...]
unitCartesian Interval array The list of directions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...].


The radial limit of the pyramid.

Property Name: radius

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersection of the pyramid with the Earth is shown.

Property Name: showIntersection

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the intersection of the pyramid with the Earth.

Property Name: intersectionColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the intersection in pixels.

Property Name: intersectionWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersections of the pyramid with the earth are shown.

Property Name: showLateralSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not lateral surfaces are shown.

Property Name: lateralSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's ellipsoid surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid horizon surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidHorizonSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's ellipsoid horizon surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidHorizonSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not dome surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showDomeSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's dome.

Property Name: domeSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed.

Property Name: portionToDisplay

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
portionToDisplay Interval string Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed. Valid values are "COMPLETE", "BELOW_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON", "ABOVE_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON".
reference Interval string A reference property.


Defines a fan, which starts at a point or apex and extends in a specified list of directions from the apex. Each pair of directions forms a face of the fan extending to the specified radius.

Note: This type is an extension and may not be implemented by all CZML clients.

Property Name: agi_fan

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the fan is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The list of directions defining the fan.

Property Name: directions

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
spherical Interval array The list of directions represented as a clock angle, a cone angle, both in radians, and magnitude in meters. The clock angle is measured in the XY plane from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. The cone angle is the angle from the positive Z axis toward the negative Z axis.
unitSpherical Interval array The list of directions represented as a clock angle and a cone angle, both in radians. The clock angle is measured in the XY plane from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. The cone angle is the angle from the positive Z axis toward the negative Z axis.
cartesian Interval array The list of directions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...]
unitCartesian Interval array The list of directions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...].


The radial limit of the fan.

Property Name: radius

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


When true, the magnitude of each direction is used instead of a constant radius.

Property Name: perDirectionRadius

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to display on the surface of the fan.

Property Name: material

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the fan is filled.

Property Name: fill

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not the fan is outlined.

Property Name: outline

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The number of outline rings to draw, starting from the outer edge and equidistantly spaced towards the center.

Property Name: numberOfRings

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The color of the fan outline.

Property Name: outlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


A rectangular pyramid sensor volume taking into account occlusion of an ellipsoid, i.e., the globe.

Note: This type is an extension and may not be implemented by all CZML clients.

Property Name: agi_rectangularSensor

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the pyramid is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The X half angle.

Property Name: xHalfAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The Y half angle.

Property Name: yHalfAngle

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The radial limit of the pyramid.

Property Name: radius

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersection of the pyramid with the Earth is shown.

Property Name: showIntersection

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the intersection of the pyramid with the Earth.

Property Name: intersectionColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the intersection in pixels.

Property Name: intersectionWidth

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the intersections of the pyramid with the earth are shown.

Property Name: showLateralSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


Whether or not lateral surfaces are shown.

Property Name: lateralSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's ellipsoid surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not ellipsoid horizon surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showEllipsoidHorizonSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's ellipsoid horizon surface.

Property Name: ellipsoidHorizonSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not dome surfaces are shown.

Property Name: showDomeSurfaces

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The material to use for the pyramid's dome.

Property Name: domeSurfaceMaterial

Interpolatable: no


Fills the surface with a solid color, which may be translucent.

Property Name: solidColor

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with an image.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


The image to display on the surface.

Property Name: image

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
uri Interval string The URI value.
reference Interval string A reference property.

The number of times the image repeats along each axis.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The numger of times the image repeats along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with a grid.

Property Name: grid

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

Alpha value for the space between grid lines. This will be combined with the color alpha.

Property Name: cellAlpha

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of grid lines along each axis.

Property Name: lineCount

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The number of grid lines along each axis.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.

Property Name: lineThickness

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The thickness of grid lines along each axis, in pixels.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.

Property Name: lineOffset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
cartesian2 Interval array The offset of grid lines along each axis, as a percentage from 0 to 1.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Fills the surface with alternating colors.

Property Name: stripe

Interpolatable: no


The value indicating if the stripes are horizontal or vertical.

Property Name: orientation

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
StripeOrientation Interval string The orientation of stripes in the stripe material. Valid values are "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
reference Interval string A reference property.

The even color.

Property Name: evenColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The odd color.

Property Name: oddColor

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The value indicating where in the pattern to begin drawing; with 0.0 being the beginning of the even color, 1.0 the beginning of the odd color, 2.0 being the even color again, and any multiple or fractional values being in between.

Property Name: offset

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

The number of time the stripes repeat.

Property Name: repeat

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed.

Property Name: portionToDisplay

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
portionToDisplay Interval string Indicates what part of a sensor should be displayed. Valid values are "COMPLETE", "BELOW_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON", "ABOVE_ELLIPSOID_HORIZON".
reference Interval string A reference property.


Defines a graphical vector that originates at the position property and extends in the provided direction for the provided length.

Note: This type is an extension and may not be implemented by all CZML clients.

Property Name: agi_vector

Interpolatable: no

Whether or not the vector is shown.

Property Name: show

Interpolatable: no


Name Scope Type Description
boolean Interval boolean The boolean value.


The color of the vector.

Property Name: color

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
rgba Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbaf Interval array The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The direction of the vector.

Property Name: direction

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
axes Interval string TODO
spherical Interval array A direction specified as a spherical [Clock, Cone, Magnitude] angles in radians, distance in meters. If the array has three elements, the direction is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Clock, Cone, Magnitude, Time, Clock, Cone, Magnitude, Time, Clock, Cone, Magnitude, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
unitSpherical Interval array A direction specified as a unit spherical [Clock, Cone] angles in radians. If the array has two elements, the direction is constant. If it has three or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Clock, Cone, Time, Clock, Cone, Time, Clock, Cone, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
cartesian Interval array The direction represented as a unit Cartesian [X, Y, Z]. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
unitCartesian Interval array The direction represented as a unit Cartesian [X, Y, Z]. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The graphical length of the vector.

Property Name: length

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The minimum graphical length of the vector in pixels.

Property Name: minimumLengthInPixels

Interpolatable: yes


Name Scope Type Description
number Interval number or array The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
reference Interval string A reference property.
epoch Packet string Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTime Packet string or number The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTime Packet string or number The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.