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How to Install Boomaga in LinuxMint or Ubuntu

Alexander Sokolov edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

I'm a total newbie to Linux who finds Boomaga to be an indispensable utility on a Linux system. (It is a good alternative to Fineprint that I used for many years on Microsoft Windows systems.) I use Linux Mint (Cinnamon Edition) so the install instructions given here are how to install to a Linux Mint system. That said, the instructions given should still be usable for your system – you just have to use the equivalent install procedures available in your Linux distro. There is crucial information given at the end of these instructions for setting up Boomaga so you can control duplex (double-sided) or simplex (single-sided) printing with a simple mouse-click from within the Boomaga GUI window. Whatever method you use to install Boomaga please read those crucial instructions at the end of the document.

To Install if Boomaga is Included in Your Distro's Official Repositories

Open your Software Manager (installer). Search for Boomaga. Click to install it.

To Install if Boomaga it is Not Included in Your Distro's Official Repositories

There are two methods to do the install. Both methods require adding a "PPA" (Personal Package Archive) for Boomaga to your system.

Method 1 – Install via the Terminal

This is the quickest and easiest way to install. Open a terminal and do the following steps entering the commands as shown and hitting the [Enter] key after each command. (As you step through this the terminal will ask for your password and for confirmation that you want to approve an action. Enter your password as requested (your password does not get displayed as you type it), remember to hit the [Enter] key once the password is entered. When specifically asked to confirm an action follow the instructions given by the terminal. For some actions you will be asked to press the [Y] key to confirm – remember to hit the [Enter] key after pressing [Y].)

#(1) To add Boomaga to your system as a PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boomaga

#(2) To get Boomaga registered inside your Software Manager as an installable option:
sudo apt-get update

#(3) To install Boomaga to the system. (Give this time it takes a while to do the install.):
sudo apt-get install boomaga

Boomaga is now installed. Please now read the Things To Do After Installing Boomaga.

##One Last Point If you find Boomaga as useful as I do then it is likely that other Linux users would also find it useful. Tell other Linux users about Boomaga, let them know it exists. And if Boomaga is not in the official repository of your Linux distro please make a request to your distro managers to have it included.

By RadicalRadish