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SBT Nexus Plugin

The plugin provides a collection of sbt auto plugins that configure a project with reasonable defaults for most sbt based scala nexus projects.

Please visit the parent project for more information about Nexus.

Repository was discontinued

The code has been moved to the main nexus repository directly in the main build.sbt.

Getting Started

Add the necessary resolver:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("bbp", "nexus-releases")

Add the following line to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-nexus" % "M.m.p")



The CompilationPlugin defines all the settings related to compilation. It has no dependencies and is set to trigger automatically.

Exposed setting keys:

  • javaSpecificationVersion (java-specification-version): java version to be used for source and target compatibility
  • scalacCommonFlags (scalac-common-flags): common scalac options useful to most projects
  • scalacLanguageFlags (scalac-language-flags): language options to enable
  • scalacStrictFlags (scalac-strict-flags): a collection of stricter compilation flags (i.e.: -Xfatal-warnings)
  • scalacOptionalFlags (scalac-optional-flags): useful additional flags (i.e.: -Ypartial-unification)

The plugins automatically sets the scalaVersion to 2.12.9, the javaSpecificationVersion to 11 and checks during the initialization phase if the installed jdk is compatible with the target java version. It also appends to the scalacOptions all the flags defined in the exposed settings and sets the necessary compiler flags for both javac and scalac to generate bytecode compatible with the defined javaSpecificationVersion.


The ReleasePlugin configures the release process using for sbt-release-early plugin.

Additional exposed setting keys:

  • dependencyBlacklist (dependency-blacklist): a module filter for stripping out compile time only dependencies from the resulting pom file.

The plugin hooks into the pomPostProcess task and removes the dependency xml nodes that match the filter defined by the dependencyBlacklist. The filter is currently configured to strip out coverage and static analysis dependencies (scoverage and scapegoat).


The StaticAnalysisPlugin pulls into the project default settings for the ScapegoatSbtPlugin. Run the following task for static analysis: scapegoat.


The CoveragePlugin pulls into the project default settings for the ScoverageSbtPlugin:

  • require at least 80% code coverage
  • fail the build if the coverage target is not met

To enable code coverage measurement issue the coverage command and run the tests. To compute the resulting coverage run the coverageReport task.

To disable code coverage measurement issue the coverageOff command.

To produce an aggregate coverage report for multi-module builds run the coverageAggregate task.

Note: make sure to disable code coverage measurement and recompile the project before attempting to run or publish the project to ensure that the produced bytecode is not instrumented for coverage.


The DocumentationPlugin defines settings and an utility to facilitate cross linking scala documentation when comments contain references to types that have documentation (scala doc) published online.

If scala doc comments contain references to types in dependent libraries and the project is not configured with the correct mapping (artifactId -> url) attempting to build the doc will fail if the link warnings are not suppressed (the setting to suppress these warnings is defined under the suppressLinkWarnings key and defaults to true).

Adding an external documentation reference based on an artifactId and enabling link warnings:

import sbt.Keys._

lazy val myProject = project.settings(Seq(
  suppressLinkWarnings := false,
  apiMappings          += {
    val scalaDocUrl = "" + scalaVersion.value + "/"
    apiMappingFor((fullClasspath in Compile).value)("scala-library", scalaDocUrl)

The default configuration automatically adds the scala library documentation url to the apiMappings.


This plugin adds aspectj and sigar loader as java agents to all apps packaged with universal packaging.


Generic auto plugin to define arbitrary Nexus specific settings that don't deserve their own separate plugin. It currently configures the default organization for all artifacts.

Funding & Acknowledgment

The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government's ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

Copyright © 2015-2021 Blue Brain Project/EPFL